One thought on “Proverbs 8:17

  1. Greetings Jennifer!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Our “Frugal Homespun Christmas” was our Women’s Ministries Fall event. It was sort of like a VBS for bigger people (women). First we had a devotional on “money management”, then a craft (fabric/candy wreath and ornaments), lunch, another craft ( homemade bath salts and cookie mix in a jar, and another devotional on “time management”. Then we had a sharing time to exchange ideas on how we saved time/money at home. (There was singing intersperced throughout.) The idea was to provide ways to live more simply (inexpensive gifts for Christmas ) and make memories while doing it. Hope this answered your question. Please stop by my blog again, and now I am going to browse through yours! :~}
    PS. ( Aren’t grandbabies terrific?!)

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