Well, just for the record…over the past weekend I had absolutely ZERO yummy coffee treats flavored with the holidays from my favorite coffee shop! Not a buy one, get one free. Not any one. What a disappointment. But don’t feel (too) bad for me. Really. I was going over the last couple days in my head – in search of something of any value whatsoever to blog about – and I noticed a very real, and somewhat concerning, theme…. Just about every day involved meeting my husband, or a girlfriend, or a group of girls for – lunch, coffee, a quick bite to eat…..no matter how you phrase…..FOOD! And I truly stand by the scale each morning and act as if I have no idea why this weight just won’t come off. I’ve even been known to moan the words, “but I try so hard.” Oh, please. Nevetheless, I did – indeed – meet a group of friends the other day for some shopping…and, yes, lunch. We went to a new restaurant (or one I’ve never been to) and it is definitely a new favorite! Can’t wait to go back. I had pumpkin ravioli. Devine. I even remembered to snap a few pictures…and then forgot to post them. This is our group and the restaurant was Claire’s At the Depot. Yep, in a converted train depot. So super charming inside…
My sweet girlfriend. I am so thankful for sweet friends!
Things like this could be part of the explanation for the never changing scale. I don’t know for sure but I’m just sayin’ But this is definitely not the week to be obsessing about numbers on the scale. Looking forward to reading about everyone’s wonderful meals – and special times with your family and friends. I do plan to get one more post in this week:) but let me start early wishing all my blog friends a beautiful Thanksgiving.
My goodness – there are just so many cute ideas out there for making the holiday special…..just loved this one:) Can’t wait to see your idea!
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Hi Jenn,
that was an adorable idea for Thanksgiving.
Looks like you had a fun day out with the gals. Nothing like chatting with friends around some good food.
but like you say, it does add up pound wise sometimes. But as you say not the week to worry bout that!
Glad you enjoyed the post about the "Jesus Calling" devotional book, it is truly an amazing lil book, and speaks to my heart daily.
and you certainly know about the bringing beauty for ashes, and so do I…………..
Love you sweet friend, and am praying you have a Wonderfully delightfully blessed Thanksgiving
with whoever you are spending the day with………..
Pinterest.. hahaaa.. that's where you'll see MY inspiration! Oh my goodness.. are we Pinterest friends? Cause if not, we need to be! I have a lot of great party and holiday ideas already, with many more to come… (and surely you burned off the calories with all of your chatting when you went out with your friends…at least that's MY excuse… )
Jennifer, I know that you don't think you have much to blog about, but I enjoy the little snapshots into your life.
Thank you so very much for allowing us in to visit with you.
I love the area you live in, as far as I'm concerned, you can ALWAYS blog about that!
God bless you and yours,
Jennifer. I think it is always best to start a new fitness routine, or diet…AFTER the holidays!!! Go enjoy your friends and family and food! The lunch outing with your girlfriends sounded so nice. I love butternut squash ravioli, so I know I would love the pumpkin too. Did they serve it with a sage butter sauce?? YUM!
Take care!
Pumpkin Ravoli! Yum. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Good morning! Oh yes I am having quite the time with the diet! I have decided my new goal (for right now!) is to just get through the holidays without gaining….seems like not that big of a deal, but when I am SUPPOSE to be losing, just not gaining seems like an improvement, but I am not doing well. I have gained 2 already….sigh…..soo hard. I promise you if I LOOK at it, I gain. But then if I LOOK at it, I eat it, haha…Your dessert looks WONDERFUL….Your day with the girls looks fun….I'd love to go too. ; ) Have a good day!! HUGS
There is nothing like a day out with friends! Looks like you all had a great time! We do enjoy reading about the simple moments of your life!! Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving.
I love when you have nothing to blog about! They make for interesting posts! Looks like you had a nice meal out with your friends. And that dessert looks really yummy! Love those cards!!! Enjoy your day.
Looks and sounds like a lot of fun. I'm not sure how much more I'll be blogging either. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. 🙂
I missed out on the BOGO Starbucks too! My daughter and I even went into the store, forgetting that the deal didn't start until 2 pm! So we (being tightwads…or was it frugal?) said that we'd return in the afternoon, but the schedule didn't allow it.
I can also relate to the too-may-treats thing. Acckkk! I have never been obsessive about my weight…but it's getting out of hand. Gotta get a grip…
Your lunch with friends sounds lovely though! Girltime is so refreshing.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jennifer!