Here in America, we just celebrated a birthday:) Independence Day…or the Fourth of July!! I have always enjoyed the Fourth. Not only does it take place in summer and we celebrate outdoors, but it does not seem to cause the stress that most of the other holidays do for me. I confess – most holidays are (too) stressful for me. Especially since our son died. We all try (too hard) in order to make each holiday special – especially happy – and even the best of holidays come with a lot of anxiety and pressure…as well as varying amounts of sadness. It is a challenge. Grief – when missing someone who was part of your heart – never really goes away. It certainly has stages and the feelings ebb and flow, but Tyler being absent will always impact how my family.
Side note: if loss is impacting your holidays, special days or even the ordinary days, acknowledge it. Trying to muscle through or to keep pushing on as if nothing has changed, is not only impossible but it just plain hurts. Find ways to acknowledge your hurting heart as well as look for ways to honor/acknowledge the one you are missing. I used to be reluctant to do so for fear of making others uncomfortable or “causing them grief.” Um, they were already grieving. Holidays can be special again but they will never be exactly what they were before.
The Fourth of July seems to be an easy holiday to enjoy! Although it is past – and it seems much longer than just six days ago – I thought I would join the Patriotic Ten on the Tenth link-up. Britain celebrated last month and Canada just a few days before we did here in the States – and I love hearing about all the different cultures and how you celebrate. So, please pick a question or two and leave me an answer in the comments.
- When is your country’s birthday? July 4th:)
- What are your country’s patriotic colors? Red, white and blue
- Do you wear those colors on Independence Day or your nation’s birthday? Yes. Pretty much everyone does. I like a patriotic t-shirt (or some such) for celebrating; however, most people tend to be patriotic on the Sunday closest to the Fourth. It might be the colors (or even a tie) but I always forget on Sunday. I’m pretty sure I seem to be the most unpatriotic person ever in our congregation:(
- Do you fly a flag at your home? Absolutely. Not all year – but for holidays…especially the Fourth. Do you decorate for Independence Day? Yes indeed. Although much less than when the kids were young, I still enjoy decorating for holidays. I will admit the red, white and blue colors to not really blend well into my decor (and look rather garish, if I’m honest) – another reason I have scaled back quite a bit
- How do you feel about wearing the flag? A t-shirt with an Old Glory on it would be okay – but I would feel awkward in an entire flag design. Strictly personal opinion.
- How do you celebrate your country’s birthday? With friends, food and fireworks!
- What is your favorite patriotic holiday food? Potato Salad and Ice Cream. Not necessarily in that order but when I think of cookouts and celebrations….those two foods always come to mind. And they are yummy!
- Do you visit the cemetery for Memorial or Veteran’s Day? No. We do “decorate” Tyler’s grave but we do not go to honor any particular veterans, etc. Any family members in the military? No
- How do you vote: absentee, early or on the day of? The day of – right in the middle of the longest line:)
- What is your favorite patriotic song? The Battle Hymn of the Republic, God Bless the USA, and America the Beautiful. Not the whole song – but I will end with a few of my favorite stanzas.
America! America!
God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.
O beautiful for heroes prov’d
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life.
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine.
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
Enjoyed reading your answers as well as answering them myself (I chose potato salad too) and linking up with Leslie!
Funny – potato salad is a majority favorite (but not necessarily the same potato salad!!) It is amazing how many different potato salads there are!!
I always feel like the 4th of July is less stressful than other holidays too; maybe because it has that laid back cookout vibe going??
I totally agree!!
I love these thoughts. I think of potato salad and my mother-in-law’s potato salad. She made the best. I also love The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Now I need to go listen to it.
Glad you stopped by, Mary!! Have a great weekend ahead!
Seems like lots of people are in agreement about wearing the flag. America the Beautiful is a great song too!
I don’t consider myself a patriotic person, until July comes. I deck my house all out in flags and such, and I love that we always cookout or go the lake with friends or something along those lines. We do have a flag that we keep out all the time, with a very tall flag pole that it waves from. {That made me laugh.} I guess I am patriotic…or more than I thought I was. Especially this year, with it being election year and our country going crazy. I’m just ready for Jesus to come back. I pray for our leaders and our governing officials every time I think of them, and not just for our present President~I’ve done this forever, for all of them. I think it is so important to remember to pray for our leaders.
Thank you for sharing a little piece of your heart with us. I am so sorry to hear about your son…I am sure the grief comes in waves at certain times. My prayers are with you and your family. May the Lord bless and keep you, my friend.
I am so sorry that holidays can bring you such sadness and stress. My sister lost a baby to cancer at the age of 3 on the day after Thanksgiving, 2001. That was already such a stressful fall with 9.11 and then Andrew’s death a few months later. Thanksgiving has never been the same for any of us.
Thank you for answering the 10 on the 10th questions. We have very similar answers. I feel the same way about decorating in red, white and blue. It doesn’t (at all) go with my decor but none of the colors associated with the holidays really do…except maybe fall/Thanksgiving.
Thank you again for joining me!!