Happy Monday! I hope you had a good weekend. My thought was to do a small recap of the past weekend and I had tried to type it yesterday so it would be up and ready early this morning. However, it is tricky to write a recap of the weekend when you are still in the middle of said weekend. I know many bloggers do it and have the most interesting “Weekending” posts ready every Monday morning. Apparently, I am not one of them. Then, of course, this morning I got sidetracked with all the Monday morning things…and then the inauguration. So, here I am just sitting down to the computer. But, that’s okay. It was a nice weekend. Nothing fancy but, I suppose, still worthy of a recap.
a birthday celebration – I spent Saturday morning helping one of my best girlfriends celebrate her birthday. We have been celebrating our birthdays with one another since the fifth or sixth grade. Many moons ago. I have mentioned it before, but all friendships are special. They are as unique as the friend itself. However, there is certainly something special about lifelong friendships. So much life that has happened since we were both assigned to Mrs. Wilson’s fifth grade class. And how sweet to have such a friend “do life” with you for so many decades. I did get a great photo of her and her sweet daughter but, my oh my, she would never approve of sharing her photo. So, a picture of yummy desserts it will be. Yummy meal. Lots of laugh and another good memory made.
a football win – I am not a sports girl. For 99% of the year, football never crosses my mind. I know zero stats and none of the players’ names. But I have somehow gotten caught up in the spirit of having a winning team in town. Everyone is talking about the Washington Commanders. And I have to admit, it has been a bit of fun. On Saturday, we went to our local pizza place. It is very “local” and family run. There are a lot of “regulars” and they are all treated like family. Also, kind of fun. Oh, and they have delicious pizza! It is the only pizza we will order. They also have several tvs which was great since we do not have cable and could not watch the game at home. My husband and I are not, um, enthusiastic game watchers…but we did enjoy watching the game with several who were. All the cheering, clapping and high-fiving. The cherry on top was another Commander win! And all before the snow was supposedly going to blanket us.
a (semi) snowy Sunday – there were supposed to be inches of snow. Maybe some ice and frigid temperatures. Our church service was cancelled – primarily because our church sits on a rather steep hill and getting out of the parking lot could be tricky, if not dangerous. If the snow had actually come. Nothing ever really materialized. But something about that extra morning – snug and tucked inside – at home was really nice. We watched a church service online, had a nice breakfast and simply enjoyed the day at home. Sundays are usually rather full for us and, yes, I miss church in person but, I will admit, Sunday was a treat. And did I mention….what little snow there was never amounted to anything?? Today there is absolutely no new snow. That is a win in my book!
comfort food – a snowy forecast just called for good, comfort food. I made a pot of taco soup. We enjoyed that for several days. I made two spaghetti casseroles (one for the meatlover and one for me). We also ate that for several days. And I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Last week, I read quite a few HodgePodge blog posts about oatmeal. Everyone kept mentioning oatmeal cookies and, yes, I was “influenced.” I have to admit, although they were tasty, I thought the cookies were disappointing. They look very much like chocolate chip cookies. When you bite into them, you are expecting a gooey chocolate chip cookie. But it is oatmeal. My husband was not impressed with the apparent deception and I have to admit, they had me wanting to make the real deal cookies. Nevertheless, that was quite a bit of cooking for me. (Yes, I have gotten lazy with actual meals lately). But, for now, I think I am on a roll. It won’t last long but my husband will be grateful and will, at least, be eating well for the next few weeks or so. Any good dinner inspiration ideas? Send ’em my way.
And, just like that, it is Monday. A new week and we have a new president. Did you see the poise and grace Carrie Underwood had when she had to unexpectantly sing acapella? I was impressed. I think we might have a “busy” week of transition ahead of us. Definitely time to pray for our country. And our president. I hope you have a good week ahead. I plan to post on Wednesday and Friday this week. That is the plan. I hope you will come back to the blog often. Thanks.
Hello, Sweet Friend,
Your birthday celebration with your friend sounds like a wonderful way to spend part of a Saturday! How fun!
I think we may have gotten your forecasted snow. We have about a foot and a half of snow on the ground currently, with nine of those inches being from the weekend snowstorm. 🙂 Let’s just say, I’m happy to see the sun is currently shining. 🙂
See you on Wednesday, Jennifer!
Taco Soup — I’ve not had that in years. Wish I lived close enough to you to drop in for a bowl of it!
I loved catching up with you here today! I’m so behind in reading blog posts, so I feel like it’s been ages since we’re “talked”. I love the new look that you gave your blog, and I love seeing your curly hair in the sidebar! All good things, just like your weekend. I agree about friendships; it’s such an honor to have friends and to get to BE a friend; I cherish mine and only hope to be as good a friend as my people have been to me. I thank God for them every single day! I know you must feel the same, especially with the long friendship of the one you celebrated with on Saturday. What a gift from God!
I like that you have gotten caught up in the spirit of a winning football team!! I remember when you were not into the NFL at all (and I understand your reasons why completely!). We hadn’t been for years either and then when the Bengals started winning a few years ago, we started to get into it. And now, we have a BIG game to watch tonight (albeit college football). I’m glad you had a fun birthday meal out with a long time friend- such wonderful memories you two must have together. That dessert does look tasty and I am impressed that you took it :). Stay warm, friend!
My Maryland born husband has loved the Washington Redskins since he was a kid and he ended up recruiting the rest of us. He refuses to call them Commanders. The team has been through so much, from years of losses and name changes, they definitely deserve this. Unfortunately, I live near Eagles territory and those fans are not very nice. Win or lose, we are proud of the season Washington had! And YES for our new president and administration. I will be praying for them and our country. We did watch the inauguration and I thought Carrie Underwood handled herself so well. She’s a beautiful singer.
I hope you have a great week ahead. We are also snow covered and very, very cold. It was a two hour delay for the kids this morning.
I would have loved to have seen Carrie sing! We used to watch American Idol, so we “knew” her way back when 🙂 I hope you are having a good week. We’ve had snow on the ground since January 1st, and it is currently snowing lightly.