Maybe it is this snow on the ground that refuses to melt – even a little. Or the forecast that reminds us it won’t be melting any time soon. It is going to get cold! I’m not sure why but my mind has been going down a lot of rabbit holes lately. Typcially I think of mental rabbit holes as a waste of time but if you look up the definition, it says a rabbit hole is “something that transports someone into a wonderfully surreal state or situation.” Well, okay. Maybe I need that every once in awhile:) Maybe you do too…so, indulge me for just a short rabbit hole of a post.
I was thinking about President Carter’s funeral. I did not see the whole thing but did watch enough to enjoy the pagentry, if you will, and the respectfulness of the precedings. We have little formality and few things done with much dignity in our country anymore and, so, I was impressed. I did however miss the singing of John Lennon’s song, Imagine, by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. I know many opinions have been shared about this song choice and I don’t need to belabor it. However, I’m not sure why anyone who publicly proclaims to be a Christian – a Bible believer – would want to have that song played at his funeral. Some have said the song fit with Carter’s political ideology or his worldview. Perhaps, but is a funeral the time to be political? A funeral is the best time to offer hope. To remind family and friends that, for the believer, life continues and there can be a reunion – in Heaven! So why “imagine there is no Heaven”??
I, personally, am beyond grateful for Heaven. For the certainty of Heaven. For the promise of not only seeing Jesus but being reunited with loved ones one day. In Heaven. As I was thinking of this, I remembered the song a friend used to sing at our previous church. It was called Finally Home and, I believe, it was by Don Wertzen. The chorus includes these words “just think” (something akin to imagine…but so much sweeter).
Just think of stepping on shore, and finding it heaven
Of touching a hand, and finding it God’s
Of breathing new air, and finding it celestial
Of waking up in Glory, and finding it “Home”
I do not have to simply imagine Heaven. Or hope there will be (or not be) Heaven waiting for me. No, Heaven is real and one day I will go there for eternity. And my sweet Tyler will be the one to welcome me home. (That part I might be imagining, but that’s okay.)
Several news accounts said, or suggested, that the John Lennon song was Jimmy Carter’s favorite song and that is why it was included. I have no idea if it was or was not; however, I have several favorite songs. Not all of them need to be – or should be – used at my funeral. As I was thinking about my boy (as I went down the rabbit hole), I had a great memory. In the early days of his treatment, we made almost regular visits to NIH for radiation. The trip went around our local beltway and always included lots of traffic and annoying traffic jams. We made the most of it by singing. We loved to sing silly country and western songs and, at that time, our top favorite was a song by Steve Holy called, Brand New Girlfriend. (If you are not a C&W fan, just bare with me.) It was a fun song. A silly song. And we would roll down the windows and just sing our hearts out – like goofs. Like a mom and son without a care in the world. Life was still fun and, during those crazy car rides, we were okay. Life was okay.
Even those memories make that song one of my favorites. Truly. But, please, do not let anyone play that at my funeral. Just sayin. There is a time and a place for silly. For singing too loud. For just having fun. But when the time comes, I hope my funeral/memorial service/whatever takes place will be a reminder that, because of Christ, death is “swallowed up in victory” and that I will be in Heaven. My prayer is my family and friends will meet me there.
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I haven’t followed any of the news surrounding Carter’s funeral. so I had not heard of the song choice. The lyrics to Imagine seem to be an ode to communism and/or are anti-Christian. Yikes! Not a song that a Christian would want sung at his funeral? Carter knows for certain about the after life now, we know that. No matter what he “imagined,” his reality is now the after life. Speaking of that life, what joy will there be for you, friend, when you see Tyler, your parents, grandparents and other loved ones who’ve gone before you! Until then, keep speaking (and writing!) truth. You are obedient, faithful and encouraging and I’m grateful for your words.
Thanks, Maria, for such an encouraging comment. I appreciate it and appreciate your faithfully stopping by here and for leaving your kind words. A highlight of my day!:)
I missed the funeral – only saw clips. It’s funny that years ago when John Lennon’s song Imagine came out I was a junior in HS. I loved the song – I was not a Christian. Even I noticed the line about imagining no heaven or hell.
A few years later hearing it again I started to dislike the song and to this day, I can’t listen to it. I don’t want to listen to it. And with John gone now, it only reminds me, does he believe his lyrics now?
A very sobering question and thought, indeed Debby. Thanks for your comment…and glad you stopped by! Am always glad to have you stop by the blog:)
Amen and Amen, my dear friend. I loved your rabbit hole post and I think that covers it all. Sending hugs
Thanks much, my friend!
This is such a heartfelt post Jennifer. Thank you for sharing that sweet memory. I did not see all of the funeral service, and didn’t know about the song. I haven’t thought about it, the song, in a very long time and I don’t remember all the words. I enjoyed your rabbit hole theme. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Wow! This is beautifully written and I agree with you. I’m pretty certain one day you will enter Heaven’s gates where Tyler and Jesus will be side by side welcoming you with open arms. Jimmy Carter was president when I was born so I can’t say I remember that time (obviously) but I only know by what I had learned from my parents, who were not fans let’s just say. It seems since then President Carter has been known and appreciated by his humanitarian work. I do hope he found a way to Jesus before taking his last breath, as I do wish that for everyone. But he certainly found out the truth about heaven and hell now. I only had a chance to watch a few minutes of the funeral and had no idea Imagine was sung. Well, we can say John Lennon has also learned the truth at this point, too. I hope you have a great weekend and thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!
I totally agree about the choice of song. We have been talking about it in our house too. What a horrible song to sing and did not represent the fact that Carter was a Christian. Then again…Garth ….we all know which side of the podium he stands on these days.
The most beautiful televised funeral I have ever seen was that of Barbara Bush, former First Lady, wife of the older President Bush. She had planned it out and so thoughtfully, with a wonderful collection of worship and praise music. It was stunningly well-done. I wish more were like that.
I don’t like ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon.
I don’t need to imagine I know I shall one day be in heaven with Jesus and loved ones who have gone /will go before me and what a party day that will be. I’ll see you too 🙂