Hello September! The new month slid right in as beautifully as ever (at least around my part of the world!) September has been my favorite month of the year for as long as I can remember. I chose to get married in September. I even had two of my babies in September (not as much choice there but I think it was destined to be.) I’m not exactly sure why we have favorite months (or days of the week, for that matter) but, the weather in September always seems to be in the perfect range. The days are starting to change but are not overly short yet. And, I suppose with school back in session, there is just a sense of newness and freshness that I always associate with September. But, truthfully, it is the weather:) Do you have a favorite month?
This is also the time when I consider changing my decor. I make little changes throughout the summer but, typically make a large change in September. My fall seasonal decor compliments my home the best and we (that is, my hubby and I) really like the feeling it gives to our home. I’m thinking about changing things out this weekend….or at least getting a good start on it. It usually takes me two or three days. Not because there is too much stuff but I just enjoy the whole process so much…I usually drag it out!
I thought it would be fun to see if I had some photos from last year. I rarely do the same thing twice but thought a little “Flashback Friday” would be fun. But, I could only find one (yes, just one) photo on my phone and/or in my Google folder. I am sure I did not (would not) take just one decor photo. Taking no photos would be much more likely for me. Several months ago, after a phone update, most of my photos were gone. Supposedly they are in a cloud somewhere but I have yet to find them. Nevertheless, my phone has saved one (fall photo decor) photo for me.
Now I am wondering if I even still have that sign. We will soon see. Have I mentioned lately that I have a bit of a crocheted doily obsession? Why yes I have. More than a few times. This doily is more of a small runner but it was new last year….and I still love it!:)
Since one photo does not make much of a Flashback Friday, I thought I would look up previous photos from September 1st. This was exactly one year ago. My husband and I took a random drive out….to a nearby town and then ended up driving through the country.
We stumbled upon this cute local farmer’s market/coffee shop. I cannot even remember the name of the town where it was located. (I will have to look that up.) I do know most of the cars were from West Virginia. We were still in Virginia but we must have been right at the border. I also remember there was a lady whose car was broken down in the parking lot. She was waiting for a tow truck and was trying – in vain – to keep the spot next to her clear. Every time a car would pull up (which was repeatedly!), she would go over, knock on the window and tell (ask) the driver to move their car. She did this way too many times! It was entertaining – to us. Probably not her.
I also remember it was a gorgeous day! Picture perfect and the type of day I usually associate with September:) We had the best latte. I mean, the best! I am going to find this place again – just to have coffee. A bit of a drive for coffee, but it was yummy!
Do I usually take photos of my food….or my coffee? Not often. But, apparently, Google decided this photo was worth keeping.
Of course, I was then intrigued to see what we might have been doing two years ago today. (Don’t worry, that is as far back as I ventured down the trail of stored photos…..) I was a bit surprised to be reminded of a nice day by the water in Alexandria. We went to dinner with our daughter and – again – it was such a pretty day! Are you seeing a theme? My husband has been wanting to go back there to eat for several weeks now. To that restaurant or, at least, not to Alexandria. It really is a nice city. I think we need to make that happen – maybe not on a holiday weekend (so much traffic!) but next weekend. I hope we do….for him!:)
Any idea what you were up to last year this time? Had you started your fall decorating? What about this year? Any plans for this long weekend? Yes, this has just a casual, chatty post. A bit of a different type of post for me but I hope you will come back next week – for a return to regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy the long weekend, my (USA) friends!