Another month is drawing to a close. Time to say goodbye to August. That, of course, brings September and, well, that makes it, technically, fall. It has been almost a year since I have done “a little letters” look back at a month…so no better time than the present. So many sweet blessings throughout this past month – actually throughout this past summer. So, let’s get started.
Dear Crape Myrtle. Thank you for your brilliant show this month. Thank you for the reminder that blooming late is not necessarily a bad thing. I desperately need more patience! Every year, I am convinced you are dead. Sorry. I have so enjoyed your blooms and the view they create from the front porch! PS – we indeed to give you a good pruning (not nearly as painful as it sounds) and next year you should be even grander!!
Dear brunch buddy. What a sweet friend you are and how I look forward to our monthly breakfasts. Thank you for keeping me up to speed on all the things. Especially politics – which truly is not my thing but I do feel smarter after we chat:) Often, I am content to bury my head, but you help me stay out of the proverbial sand. I also appreciate how you let me toss ideas around and listen as I talk things out. Everyone needs a friend like you. I look forward to the third Saturday every month!
Dear News. I said this last year and I will say it again. You are not my friend. I continue to cut you off and, well, I have rather stuck with it. You are pretty pathetic. Luckily, I have my sources (see above) to let me know just enough.
Dearest Juanita. You have taught me so much these past weeks. Moving into assisted living has been incredibly challenging. Yes, you have had good days and quite a few not-so-good days. But you are facing the challenge the best that you are able and you have really helped me put much into perspective. How blessed you are – how blessed we are all – to be loved and to be surrounded by family and friends who love us and want only the very best for us. I love you, sweet friend.
Dear newlyweds. So many weddings these past few weeks! I am excited for all of you. I pray you will create marriages and homes that honor Christ. I am reminded of my own marriage….so long removed from those first newlywed years. We have an anniversary coming in just three weeks. Thirty-seven years. I am blessed and grateful!
Dear grass. Not to be mean, but you are ugly. Completely brown and an eyesore, actually. Please turn green. We continue to pay for the (rather pricey) lawn service with all the seasonal fertilizers. So, you really need to get it together and start looking like a golf course. Soon. (Yes, I know, there has been little to zero rain – but that’s just excuses!).
Dear Eunice. Thanks for being so patient with me. I have no idea what I want from my hair and I’m sure you don’t either. But you never fail to give it your best. I’m sure I am completely frustrating (trust me, I frustrate myself). Truth be told, my hair looks just fine – really nice, actually. But, I’m just warning you….I’ll probably want to “try something new” when I came back in five weeks. Just sayin.
Dear humidity. You do not help the hair situation. At all. I must admit, you were not too terrible for the bulk of the summer. The month of August, though?? Enough already!! Please, go away.
Dear mosquitoes. Ditto. Go away. You are ruining anytime at all that I can spend on the porch (which has not been too terribly often lately). You are leaving tiny scars. Well, that might be my itching your infernal bites. But, still. Go away.
Dear self-tanner. You are a major disappointment. Why does everyone make it seem so easy to have lovely tans? So many tell me, “it’s self-tanner…. it’s easy.” Jokes. My legs are a blotchy orange mess…..and you promised streak free. Humpf.
Dear Brother of mine. You have had quite a summer. You are always giving. Always doing and always going. For others. I’m glad we could celebrate your birthday together. And here’s to a peace-filled and blessed year ahead. You are the best!!
Dear Junior Church kiddos. At the risk of sounding redundant… what a blessing you are to my heart each and every Sunday morning. I have really enjoyed our Boats of the Bible lessons this summer and have especially loved watching each one of you work so hard with our summer memory challenge! You are such a joy to me!
Dear Keto. We are getting more and more used to one another. Partners for sure and almost friends. There are times that you make things a little less fun. Eating out, for example, and especially trying to celebrate with family and friends. Nevertheless, I appreciate your help with getting my weight down and helping me feel more in control of my health and, well, much better overall.
Dear Tribute Quartet. You guys are so talented. Thanks for such a fun evening!!
Dear Jordan (the mini-me of my brother). WELCOME HOME! Clearly the best part of August. The best part of the whole summer!
Dear Alaska. Thank you for giving my son some good memories. Some better than others. Thanks for the lessons learned and “the experience” but I sure am glad you showed “your true colors” before he decided to stay there longer.
Dear Krispy Kreme coffee. Thanks for all the afternoon deliciousness. A decaf coffee that actually tastes as good as my morning coffee. Almost better. I stumbled across you on the clearance rack at the grocery store. Imagine that? But you are a yummy cup of joe! And any afternoon slump has all but disappeared!:)
Dear Bailey. Not to end on a difficult note…but, goodness, we certainly miss you!! I will leave it at that but this summer has had its own kind of loneliness without you. We think about you every day!! Thanks for all the love you left us!
I suppose this is the best place to end. It has been a month of blessings. I would love to know how you have been blessed this past month?? Thanks for stopping by, freinds! Here’s to a beautiful month ahead!!
I love this post, Jennifer! I agree wholeheartedly with you on most of the things you mentioned that also affect me. I am so sorry about your Bailey…the faithfulness and loyalty of a dog are such beautiful things to behold. I hope we have someone of the same impact on their short lives that they have on ours. For this reason, we will always have a dog or two. Always.
What a thought….to have an impact as lasting on others’ lives as our pups do on ours!! Hard to imagine…..
What a unique post! I agree 100% with your letters to humidity, mosquitoes and the news. My letter to Krispy Kreme would read a little differently as I am a huge fan of their chocolate iced doughnuts (you cannot beat them when they are hot off the rollers at the Krispy Kreme store). Luckily the nearest KK store is about 20 miles away, but our nearby Publix sells them by the box on occasion and I always smile at them, pat the box and say “hello, maybe next time.” (All while my mouth waters and I fight the urge to grab the box, place it oh so carefully in my cart and then bite into one and slowly savor the joy as soon as I get in the car. I may or may not be speaking from experience!)
I have to admit, I have never had a chocolate Krispy Kreme – iced or otherwise!! But I am wildly intrigued…and trying to think of a reason to head to KK:) We only have one in our area and (thankfully) it is also several miles away!!
Fun post to read! I like how you convey your insights of the “everyday things” with humor. And your deeper thoughts are so meaningful. It sounds like you had a great months, mosquitoes and brown grass notwithstanding. Here’s to a cool and wonderful September!
I truly am looking forward to a wonderful September!! Thanks, Maria!