1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for? Parenting adult children. Life was so simple and sweet (and, yes, tiring) when they were little. There is much I miss about that season of life. This season is blessed as well but there are so many challenges that I just did not anticipate.
2. Without mentioning any tech, what’s your most prized possession? My Bible…but honestly I could replace it. However, there is a drawing of Tyler that hangs in our family room that is irreplacable. If there was a fire, would I try my best to get it? It’s rather large and heavy, but I would certainly try:)
3. It’s National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? I did not celebrate yesterday. I am not a huge fan of peaches. I like the unsweetened ones from a can (does that count?) but not fresh peaches. I don’t like too many fresh fruits, to be honest. Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? But if you put those peaches in a cobbler….well, they suddenly become delicious. Maybe even a favorite. The best cobbler is peach, in my opinion. Go figure.
4. Do you own anything that is peach in color? I thought and thought about this question and, no, I could not come up with one thing peach that I own. Not sure why. Like Joyce, my bridesmaids wore peach (way back in the day!) and I thought they had the prettiest dresses! Now I am not sure where I even came up with my colors.
5. What makes a friendship successful? Friendships that stand the test of time take intention. And effort. The idea of “let’s keep in touch” doesn’t just happen. I enjoy texting, calling, putting times to get together on the calendar. But I also know not everyone is the same. I try to give my friends time and space…..but, if too much time goes by, I certainly will be giving them a call:)
6. Let’s give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that…beach or pool? ice cream or snow cone? amusement park or camping? burger or hot dog? watermelon or strawberries? get up early or sleep in late? sunrise or sunset? I have to admit, several of these were tricky for me. Neither really appealed or even applied to me. But to finish things out…I would choose the beach (for early morning walks – not for swimming!). Ice cream over a snow cone any day. Neither an amusement park or camping. Camping is a 100 percent no go and amusement parks are just not for me anymore. I think I would choose burger over hot dog. Either one would have to be plant-based, of couse:) Strawberries (one fruit that I do really enjoy) and not watermelon. I do not like watermelon. And I will always choose getting up early. The best part of the day for me. And sunrises over sunsets. For obvious reasons!
I have a fun weekend ahead of me. Friends will be in town. There will be fun times with little ones. A fun play on Saturday night. And plenty of time to “invest” in good friendships – in person! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well…and that you will come by the blog again on Monday. Blessings to you, my friends.
I love these posts where other bloggers can link together. It’s fun reading your answers. I hope you enjoy time with friends this weekend.
Thanks Dawn, I am really looking forward to the weekend! Thanks for stopping by…
Enjoyed reading your answers! Regarding the picture of Tyler, one thing you could do is take a photo of it and then upload it to the cloud or a site like Shutterfly or Mpix. If heaven forbid items in your home were destroyed including the picture, you would at least have a facsimile of the drawing. Completely agree about peach being the best kind of cobbler! And agree with you about fruit. I do like a few kinds of fresh fruit- also not a huge watermelon fan but will eat some if others do the work of cutting it up- and strawberries are my favorite. Yah for upcoming fun plans this weekend. I hope you enjoy the fellowship and emerge from the weekend with your heart full :).
Maria – that is a wonderful idea. I think I will do that today. The man who drew it for us was a friend of a friend type thing…and I don’t think we could ever find him again. However, with a picture of the drawing surely someone could recreate it for us. Thanks for a great tip. Ummm to peach cobbler:)
Hello! Your weekend sounds lovely, my friend. I am spending a great deal of time with my best friend here in Pennsylvania before we return to the beach. It fills my cup, as they say! I am not a peach fan either. My family on the other hand…lol!
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend! BFFs are…well, the best!
I love the beach for walking along too; particularly in the early morning or right around sunset but I rarely enjoy a day on the beach in the hot sun since I am not a huge fan of going in the water. I too would pick strawberries over watermelon every single time. I’m not really a big fan of any melon.
Yup, not a melon fan…of any variety. And yes to walks on the beach! Have a good weekend, Joanne!
I liked your answer to #1… My Mom or anyone actually, prepared me for old age! My mom was 77 when she crossed ver and dad was 81…but really, no discussions about what to expect…or how to deal with certain things. I think it might have helped…but I suppose we all age differently.
Happy weekend!
I agree…there just was not a lot of discussions about certain things. I think it had a lot to do with that generation. These days, we discuss (or put on display) just about everything. There has to be an appropriate medium! Glad you stopped by, Donna!
Oh, I love peaches, smiles. Always a pleasure to see you post, wishing you a beautiful weekend, my friend.
Thanks, Linda!! Hope your weekend ahead is a sweet one! Maybe a peach or two….it is peach season, right?!:)
A delightful hodge podge my friend. Thank you so much for sharing!
I was struck by your first answer because everyone thinks parenting once a child turns 18, but it never really ends does it? And I can’t believe you don’t like fruit other than strawberries! I’ve never met a person who doesn’t like fruit. For me, fruit is better than candy. I love it!
I meant to type “everyone thinks parenting ENDS once a child turns 18”
I certainly agree with your #1. When they are little, you can correct them and even put them in time out. When they become adult, they either listen or don’t listen – take your advise or don’t. And you have to sit back and watch!
My apologies – I noted your comment on my blog for 7/19 but instead of publishing it, I accidently deleted and I can’t find it to get it back. Thank you for visiting anyway!
I loved your hodge podge post. What a great phrase too 🙂
I like peaches but don’t have them that often for some reason. I think I would prefer peach yoghurt to ice cream though. I did notice that it was peach ice cream day during the week but sadly no peaches of any kind on that day.
I hope you had a fun filled weekend with your friends and made lots more memories together. Take care x
I honestly think the ages of about 17-25 are some of the most challenging in parenting. ‘Kids’ making big decisions with long lasting consequences, pulling away but still needing you in so many ways, etc. Then when grandchildren come along a whole new world of concerns opens up. I guess there is never a season we don’t need to be in prayer for our families.