Happy Friday! I must admit, when you spend weeks at a time on the couch, or in a recliner, the days begin to all run together! Every day can be a feel good Friday day. Or they all feel like “just another Thursday” type of days! I am trying my best to embrace the hooray for Friday feeling today:) Looking back at a few of my favorite things these past couple of weeks is a good place to start, I do believe. So, I will do just that. In completely random order and with completely unedited photos….
FLOWERS – My house has not been without fresh flowers for over three weeks. Flowers have arrived at the door, have been hand dropped off by sweet friends and even delivered by my valentine earlier this week. I have never really considered myself a flowers kind of a girl but these fresh blooms have really made a difference. Each delivery came with such love and expressions of care and friendship……and I’m thinking I could really become a “flowers kind of a girl”!! My husband even said this morning that we should keep fresh flowers in the house. Apparently, flowers spread joy to all of us:)
COOKIES – I may not have considered myself a “flowers girl” but there has never been any doubt about my love for cookies!:) If there is a “cookies kind of a girl”…well, that would be me:) Yesterday, cookies were delivered to my door. Of yes indeed. The card attached said, “I know you and you need cookies.” You have to love friends that know you that well:) Truly, cookies solve everything! And, so do sweet friends. My heart has been filled to overflowing by my sweet friends these last few weeks.
MORNING SUN – One morning, last week or perhaps the week before, when I was feeling rather “under the weather” in my recliner, I noticed the sun flooding the family room. It is no secret that I love mornings and I really enjoy how the sun’s first rays come through this window in different patterns throughout the seasons. I often ooh and ahh (much like the old lady birdwatcher that I have become)! But, this morning, the sun brought me such a peace. It is hard to describe but it was a very tangible reminder of God’s presence, care and faithfulness to me. Not only since my surgery but in the days that are to come.
“It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
WEATHER – The weather has been unseasonably nice this month. Of course, the warm-weather fan that I am is beyond happy about that. However, it has just been a very real blessing as well. With pre-surgery appointments, surgery, and (way too many) follow-up visits (etc., etc., etc.), it has been so nice that the weather has not been a factor. Can you imagine the (added) stress if the roads were covered with snow and/or the dreaded ice? I know the nicer weather has helped me mentally too. How do I know this? Because I know full well what typical February weather does to my spirit. The struggle is real and I am so grateful that I am not feeling that struggle this February.
We were able to get outside a couple times these last few weeks. Walking felt good. The sun felt so good. Having a crazy pup join us on one of our walks even felt good – lol!:) No coat (or even a sweater) required felt so good. No, it felt amazing! Can you tell how I feel about winter??
On this particular afternoon, we were at the cemetery. Not only is it a good half-way point to meet with our daughter (and that silly doggie), but it is so peaceful and pretty there. We enjoy walking there. We were surprised – pleasantly so – and excited to see the first nudges of daffodils around Tyler’s tree. Daffodils. In February. I know we have a ways to go before spring is truly “just around the corner” but the reminder that spring will come – the seasons will change – was a welcome one, to be sure!
Just one more thing that made my heart happy over the last couple of weeks. What is one thing that has made you smile this week? Thanks (AGAIN) to everyone for your patience as I try to get caught up with comments, etc. I will get there!! Have a wonderful weekend, friends!!
Hello! I am sorry I missed your posts concerning your surgery. I did go back and read them, and I am praying for you. Please know I hope and pray your surgery is successful and you are healed completely, both physically and mentally. Hugs!
Look at this wonderful list of happy things! I agree with you on all of them.
We had a big snow and ice storm and my happy thing for today is working for a Dr office that lets us work from home in bad weather. AS a nurse, I’ve spent years having to drive to work in bad weather, and occasionally having to stay because replacements couldn’t get in. So this is a blessing!
You can’t beat fresh flowers and delicious cookies! We have been loving this beautiful weather. My mom was doubly glad since my step father had surgery this week (his second since Christmas) and she was dreading driving in & dealing with the snow while he is out of commission. So far it’s looking like she won’t have to worry about that.
Oh how bright warm weather can raise our spirits – the mild sunny weather has come at the right time for you that’s for sure.
I’m not one for big floral bouquets but I do always try to have a few fresh flowers in a vase in our hallway – it seems to add an extra ‘welcome’ to our home!
Pleased to hear that you are feeling a little better and a little stronger every day.
Continuing to pray for your healing! Love this uplifting post! The sun is out and I am thankful for it as well. Have a wonderful weekend!
That “cookie” friend is a keeper! 🙂 I hope this week brings more healing and more sunshine to boost your spirit 🙂 It’s so hard to rest, isn’t it? But, the more you rest, the better you’ll feel! Glad you’re back to blogging 🙂
I’ve been seeing beautiful tulip trees and daffodils here in bloom everywhere! I love seeing new life after a bleak winter. It seems early for this, though…I hope the cold weather doesn’t kill them when it returns, as I know it will.
Glorious morning sunshine and the peeking of daffodils is enough to brighten one’s spirits. We have the former here in abundance most days. But no daffodils. I can’t get any of my favorite flowers to grow in our arid climate. And somehow, while the rest of the world is seeing unseasonably warm temps, we are expecting snow on Thursday. I do love snow…but in December, not March.
Glad you are feeling cheerier with all the love you’ve been shown.