Happy Monday, friends. I am a bit late pushing the publish button on today’s post. But I’ve been struggling with this post…but I’ll explain at the end. Last year I did a post similar to this one where I recapped a few of the gifts I had received for Christmas. It was light-hearted, fun and a good way for me to remember, twelve months later, what I actually did receive! I had thought to do this post earlier than today but with different link-ups at the beginning of January and my look back at the year in general, well this one has been delayed. But I still thought it would be fun for a snowy Monday morning. So I will press on.
Truthfully, this was supposed to be a no-gift Christmas for us. As a family. All four of us were in agreement and I thought, for sure, I would be posting about the success of a no-gift holiday….but, it did not exactly happen that way. For a couple of reasons (completely out of my control), plans changed at the eleventh hour. We somewhat/kinda scrambled and put together some gifts and, in the end, all went very well, but gifts were minimal (perfect in my opinion) and simple. That said, here is a quick look at a few of my Christmas treats from 2023.
the one already being well loved – a new throw for the family room. It is incredibly soft and not too heavy. I prefer a lightweight throw and this one suits me perfectly. I have already enjoyed many a Sunday afternoon nap under that comfy throw. But, in truth, it is the dog who has claimed that throw has her own!! She loves it. She isn’t even allowed on the couch but when she looks so snuggly after wrapping herself in that throw, well, no one seems to have the heart to kick her off the couch!!
She looks a bit miffed with me in this photo but I was disturbing her nap. She would be sound asleep – until I picked up the camera. Then she would barely open her eyes as if to say, “What? Stop.” Pups. What would we do without them?
the ones I gifted to myself – Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark squares and Chobani Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer. I tried to pick just one. A favorite. It was impossible. I have been slightly addicted to both of these since December. I am down to the last bit in both of them and it will be the saddest day when they are gone. (I’m not sure they will even still be available but I will not repurchasing. At least for another eleven months.) Gifts are wonderful but, honestly, sometimes the simple pleasures you treat yourself to are just delightful! Now that I mentioned it, I think I will have a cup of that yummy coffee right now:)
the one I got just a little too excited about – an oil sprayer! Last year it was a set of car hook thingys! Surely you know what I am talking about..lol. I said about those that I would take them to a favorite things party – if I had ever gone to a favorite things party. I use those handy car hooks (that hang on my car headrest and organize all my things) almost every day. They are great. But I honestly think if I ever was invited to one of these elusive parties (which I still have never attended), I would take my oil sprayer over my cark hook thingys. You spray your own oil (whatever kind you prefer) without aerosol mess, stain or yuck. It works great, is so much cheaper and healthier, and my casserole dishes will no longer have that aerosol stain around the edges. Brilliant, I say, just brilliant.
the one that made my heart smile – this sweet dispenser. It says lotion dispenser but I do suppose you could use it for whatever you prefer. It was a gift from some of the Junior Church children. They just make my heart smile all the time. I don’t know if I mentioned what a great job they did during our Christmas program. They always amaze me and exceed my expectations. Not sure why (my expectations are too low) but it just seems that, the day or two before the program, things are either going wrong or, in general, they are just not coming together. However, they really do “shine” when it is time. And this year was one of their best. I am so blessed to be a part of this ministry and to be involved with these children at this time of their lives. And,
the one that so surprised me – was a gift from my son. I have to say, he surprised me last year but he had a girlfriend at that time who may or may not have been helping him in the shopping department:) This year, I was rather expecting something “straight from my wish list.” What I was not expecting were designer earrings from the boutique where he works. I have to confess that I do not have much “real” jewelry (I do have my wedding ring and one other ring that was a gift from my husband years ago) and do not even think of such jewelry when considering gifts, etc., so to say I was completely surprised is definitely an understatement. They are beautiful. I have worn them several times but I have to admit, I feel, um, a bit awkward when I do. But I love gifts that have been given thought, intention and are given with much love. That was these earrings and, for that reason, I love wearing them!
Well, friends, that was a little look at my Christmas gift fun. I have to confess that the news – the news from California, in particular – has made my heart conflicted. Oil sprayers and comfy blanket throws seem difficult to chatter about as I have been pondering what I really hold dear to my heart. How quickly all of our things can be gone. Things are not wrong. Not even sweet lotion dispensers. But it is sobering to remember what truly makes our hearts smile. The “things” that cannot be taken from us and what our priorities are and/or should be. A reminder to keep life in perspective that honors the Lord. I’m not saying anything new nor am I making light of possessions – simple or otherwise. Just admitting my heart has been heavy and the timing of this post may not have been the best. I hope no one is offended. Praying the fires can be contained and squelched this week. Thanks for reading friends and I hope you will come back on Thursday.
I am literally working on a “great gifts” post so the timing was perfect. As were your words at the end. Your acknowledging the fires and tying it in with a post about “things” is a testament to your talent with the written word and your heart that is focused on that which is the most important. “Things” do make a difference in our temporal abode in terms of enjoying it- the oil sprayer sounds like such a neat product that I may have to get one!
Your gift post is a real smile bringer Jennifer. Your cute pup, adorable to see. Thank you for sharing these photos, a gift in themselves. And if I haven’t said this before, Happy New Year!
You are not alone in the awkward feelings you have in talking about the gifts and pleasures of life when so many in California (and the Carolinas and Florida) have been handed devastation to a shocking degree. We all know such things could happen to any of us at any time, so we are thankful for what we have, share what we can, and live humbly before our God. It’s a good post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and pictures with us.
It sounds like you got some great gifts, especially the gift of time with your family 🙂 I hope you have a great week!
I heard someone say just the other day, Jennifer, that especially in the times of tragedy, such as we are experiencing right now with the fires in California, and the homeless in western NC, and everyone who has been affected by really bad winter storms, is when we need to focus on things that bring us joy. I certainly could not be offended by you sharing the Christmas gifts that brought you joy. You have such a tender heart and that’s just one of the things that I love about you, friend.
Cute, glad your dog is enjoying the throw. Yum on the chocolates. That is interesting about your sprayer. Love the gingerbread house. The earrings are so pretty. It is very sad what is going on here in California with the fires and all that they lost. Makes me want to put things of meaning in a safe place to take if we were evacuated.
I love the idea of the oil sprayer…I think I’ll check that out. The earrings are beautiful and I love that soap dispenser. I hope you have a great day.
Thank you for sharing your gifts from Christmas but also for putting into perspective where our true treasures are laid up. I do love the lotion dispenser from the children though.
My prayers are with all those who have lost everything in fires , floods and storms over the last few months and that they get the support needed to rebuild there lives.
I like the way you acknowledged those who have lost everything in the fes. It really does put our possessions into perspective. Any of us could so easily lose everything with almost no warning, My heart is burdened too for those in parts of NC and TN who are literally stilll living in tents,
I had an oil sprayer years ago and they really are a great idea. That one, though, was plastic and it quickly became sticky and gummy from the oil. I ended up throwing it away. It looks from your photo as if oil sprayers have come a long way since then.
The earrings are beautfiful! Such a thoughtful gift from your son. Wear them with confidence; I’m sure they look lovely on you.
Those sounds like really wonderful, thoughtful gifts!
I saw some of that peppermint bark somewhere just the other day. I really wanted it but passed it up. Next time I see it, if it isn’t too late for this holiday season, I will pull the trigger on it.
Was gifted the softest throw from some teachers when I retired. It is so warm and like snuggling up into a hug when I pull it around me. Hope yours will continue to keep you warm and comfy all winter.