What is God’s will for my life? No doubt, every Christian has, at least, pondered this question and, at some point, even agonized over it. Knowing that our Heavenly Father has lovely created each of us – designed us with specific and unique strengths (and weaknesses), abilities, and talents in order to fulfill a very purpose – is a wonderful truth. A truth that most of us acknowledge and believe. But a truth that then begs the question: what is my specific purpose?
You might think that when you get to my stage of life this question would not be as nagging; however, I have noticed so many navigating this season seem to really struggle with this. I think for many, the roles we filled in our 20s, 30s, or even our 40s gave us a clear purpose and that purpose served as an answer for God’s “individual will” in our lives. I have pondered this thought myself in the past. Yes, I had a role as a mom but God created me to be the mother of my three children. To fulfill a unique and specific purpose.
Yes, it can be complicated to see the difference and that really is not the thought behind this post. But, in this “next season” of life, sometimes the roles are not as clearly defined. Sometimes there can be extra, and empty, time on our hands. There can be health or other challenges. Life changes and evolves – but God still has a unique plan for our lives. What is God’s will for my life in this season of life??
Of course, there is no one size fits all answer to that question. There really are no simple three-step assessments to be taken in order to find the answer. However, we can start the search for His will (in the season of life) in the same way that we would in any (younger) season of life. To know His specific will for your life, begin living His general will. The same “will” God has designed for all His children. When you will be obedient to those commands and principles, God will clearly expose and lead you in the specific will He has planned for you.
Read God’s word. Dig deep and look for those principles. Pray and daily seek His help. Learn and know what He asks from His children and commit yourself to obey. And God will reward you. He delights to do so – just as He delights in you knowing His specific will for your life. In whatever stage of life you may be. Here are just a few examples of God’s general will for His children. I’m sure others will come to mind – or to your heart as you study His word. Please share them in the comments. They would be an encouragement to me.
*love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength – Mark 12:30
*forgive others – Matthew 6:14-15
*love others – I John 4:7
*obey His commandments – John 15:10
*live a pure and holy life – I Thessalonians 4:3-7
*share the gospel – Matthew 28:19-20
Jennifer, it is so true that we question God’s will at different turning points in our lives. As I think of God’s general will for us all, this is the verse that comes to mind: “He has told you, O man, what is good;And what does the Lord require of you, But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8, NASB). Grateful you linked up and shared this post!
Great verse, Joanne. One I have considered often lately!! Thanks for hosting the link-up!! So glad I joined this week –
Amen Jennifer. Yes, that is most definitely a question I have pondered a lot, and as you said even agonizing over it. Thank you for sharing your wonderful insights in this blessed post. Blessings.
Thank you, Paula. Blessings to you as well!
We often look for God’s will for our lives to be a big billboard in the sky. I agree — when we live out His general will for our lives as is outlined in His Word we are more apt to come upon a more specific direction. God majorly changed the direction of my life in my 50’s. It wasn’t something I sought out — more like it came to me. Some days, God’s will looks more like putting one foot in front of the other and doing the next best thing.
Bev xx
Oh, thank you, Bev! Such an encouraging comment. Thank you for stopping by – and for your wisdom and help!
For sure, our purpose in living is always Jesus. But how we use our gifts and abilities, time and energy changes … sometimes quickly and sometimes very slowly.
May you find His peace in the process of discovering His very unique plan!
Sometimes quickly….sometimes very slowly. I seem to be struggling with the slowness. Learning to embrace even the process of change (slowly, of course!)