Happy Monday!! I pray you had a wonderful weekend and a blessed Lord’s Day. My Junior Church cuties sang yesterday morning – and my heart has been full (and singing) ever since! I’m starting this week with a song in my heart:) They sang The Crayon Song….and I was surprised how many told me afterward that they had never heard this sweet children’s song. If you need a song to start your Monday, here are the lyrics and a video (just one of many from YT) that you can enjoy!!
When I was just a little child
No higher than your knee,
My mother bought a box of crayons,
Just for me.
I picked them up and I opened them up
And I looked way down inside,
And the colors there reminded me
Of Jesus when He died.
Red is the color of the blood that He shed,
Brown is for the crown of thorns they laid upon His head.
Blue is for royalty! In Heaven He does dwell;
And yellow is for the Christian who’s afraid to tell.