Leslie has a monthly link-up – Ten on the 10th – and this month is ten questions all about money. Much like politics, you either enjoy the subject. Or, you don’t. But I enjoyed these questions – they brought back some good memories for me – and I’m looking forward to linking up. Leslie has been having technical issues with her blog (uh, the frustration with those!) and may or may not have the link-up going tomorrow, but you can find her blog here.
As I was pondering these questions, I was struck with how my answers reminded me of and/or reflected my parents – especially my dad. I also see the similarities between my parents and their parents. No doubt, a lot of our opinions, financial habits, and money philosophies really are passed on from our parents…even if not purposely. I also see much of the same in my own children. They have no idea what a checkbook (times do change) but they have apps to track their spending….much like their dad does with an old-school ledger!
Here are the questions. Please…let me know your worst job ever:) Or where you enjoy a splurge!!
What was your first job? How old were you when you started working? I suppose my very first job was babysitting in the neighborhood….which was much more common than it seems to be these days. Typically I was paid 25 cents (yes, cents) an hour!! There was, however, one family several doors down that would ask me to babysit about once a month. They usually came home after midnight, so I was there five or six hours. And they paid me TWENTY BUCKS! I seriously thought I was a millionaire!! Other than babysitting, my first paycheck job was at Burger King. UGH. It was everything awful that comes to mind working at fast food. They always had me work later than my schedule and my parents nixed that job rather quickly. So grateful!!
Tell us about the best job you’ve ever had. And the worst. The best job is still a complete surprise to me. I worked at a local farm market. The produce was picked locally (at sunrise I suppose) and delivered to the market. I helped haul it off the trucks and put it on display and for sale. For this (very) indoorsy girl, everyone was shocked that I not only lasted all summer but that I so loved it! I’ve never grown a garden but I did learn to love the freshest of vegetables.f Raw green beans are still one of my favorite snacks!
Worst job – hands down – was the two weeks I attempted to be a shampoo girl at a “friend of a friend’s” hair salon. Shampoo girl…as in, touching our people’s scalps. About day six, a lady came in and told me she had recently had a facelift and the stitches were still on the top of her head. Um, no. I’m done. It was definitely not the job for me.
Are you a saver or a spender? Saver. Without a doubt. Definitely not “tight” but a saver, for sure. What about your significant other? Also a saver. Which I think works out well:)
Have you ever played the stock market? Not personally. Do you play the lottery? No. Ever gambled? Never.
What is your favorite way to splurge? I enjoy buying gifts for others, although I would not say that I splurge. But it is easy for me to spend money that way. Together – my husband and I also do not mind spending money for travel and/or vacations. When we travel, we try to “splurge” and really enjoy our trips. This is definitely something I learned from my parents. We took one vacation each year and it was always top notch! (thanks, Dad!) What do you dislike spending money on most? Cars. Ugh. Just huge money pits to me. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for our car. I’m also extra grateful that we do not have car payments – those payments are the worst!
How do you save money? This is going to sound super corny…but we don’t spend more than we take in each month. We spend less than we make. The money left at the end of the month is savings. And we don’t have/use credit. That is probably the best money saver. Do you save change? No. My husband did for a while but even he has gone almost completely cashless…so, no change to save:) Christmas Club or vacation accounts? No. Actually, I am not exactly sure what a Christmas Club is??
Who pays the bills? He does. Who does the taxes? I do. Do you file early or last minute? Right in the middle:)
Name brands or generic groceries? Delivery? Neither one. My hubbie and I are very similar when it comes to money, budgeting, saving, etc….but this is one way we differ. I’m totally fine with generic groceries but he really wants the name brands. Most – not all, but most – of our purchases are name brand. Have you used grocery pick-up? No. During this season of life, I have time to shop and pick out my own things. And I don’t mind doing so. I also no longer shop with a list so going myself is easier. We usually go together – because we are old people like that!:)
Do you shop thrift stores and yard sales? Yes, indeed. Well, to thrift stores. I love thrift stores. I love the browsing and the hunting for treasures…and, occasionally, I buy something. Most of my favorite pieces around my home are from thrift stores. I do not, however, yard sale. At all.
Is there anything you collect or save thinking it might be valuable someday? I have several Longaberger baskets and, at one time, I thought they would be valuable. Now, I can hardly give them away (which is okay because I still enjoy them). My husband has a few things from his childhood – but their value is mostly sentimental!!
Happy weekend. Happy thrifting!! Happy saving – or spending:)
So interesting to read all the different answers from bloggers. Babysitting seems to be a popular first job. I babysat my little brothers, but I did that for free.
Thank you for the mention and for joining me with your thoughtful answers and little stories. I should have mentioned my parents in my post. They were both savers, my mother more so than my father. He bought my mother very expensive gifts that she would promptly return to the store. So sad for him. But just my mom’s depression-era upbringing.
Yay for you guys to spend less than you bring in. Such a novel idea these days. PC has been very good for me in that regard. I am living in the black these days and enjoying being there. PC prefers name brands and I tend to reach for generic from the grocery store shelves. The commissary offers name brands at closer to generic prices so it is a happy medium for us.
Yay for vacations and doing them up right. My parents took us on a vacation almost every summer. But they weren’t trips to resorts. We went camping, hiking, visited most of the national parks out west. My poor mama would have loved a more luxurious vacation just once but my dad loved ‘roughing it.’