We came across this car at two different rest areas on our way down I-95 last week…..
You know…with the right attitude, this Empty-Nester phase of life could really have some perks!!
Could this be my hubby and I one day???
I don’t know…but the ride sure was sweet!
lol, that's pretty funny!
I love that, Jennifer! The tag says it all!
That is hilarious!
LOL! I love it!!!!
LOVE THIS, LOVE THIS!!! Prayed for you this morning!!!
LOVE THIS, LOVE THIS!!! Prayed for you this morning!!!
Very cute! I can see you and Hubbie in a car like that…
So great to "meet you"…. I've enjoyed reading through some of your posts. Will look forward to seeing the pictures you post and to hear more about your time at Hilton Head ~ one of my favorite places! Congratulations on the wedding.
I could see you breezing around in this car from one delicious shopping spot to another:)