Although a tad late to the party, I thought I would join the Ten on the Tenth link-up this week. Then I looked at the questions. This month, they are not only unique but quite creative and certainly require imagination. Imagination is definitely one of my strong points. That said, instead of shying away altogether, I just chose a few of the questions (hence the post title). Just for fun, I’ll leave the questions I decided to skip at the end of the post. If you are one with fun imagination, please let me know what you would have answered:) Let me get started……..
- Would you rather listen to birds chirping or frogs croaking?
- I have mentioned it here before but my husband and I have turned into old people who love not only bird watching (in our backyard….not out in a field with binoculars, etc!) but we also love listening to the birds. Occasionally, we even try to imitate them. Yes, it is who we have become! Frogs croaking remind me of ponds. And still water reminds me of mosquitoes. Just sayin.
- Would you rather vacation on a remote yet tropical beach or near a thriving city?
- I’m not exactly a beach girl. I’m definitely not a remote anything girl. So, between the two, I suppose I would pick near a thriving city….key word being near. Being right in the city would not be my idea of a vacation but I would like to be close enough so that I could take advantage of good restaurants and great shows, etc. Even a museum or two (not too many!) But at the end of the day, I want to retreat to somewhere a little more quiet outside the city. Somewhere I can listen to birds while I enjoy my morning coffee:)
- Would you rather have Peeps in your Easter/holiday basket or jellybeans?
- Peeps are not my favorite. Have never completely understood the craze. They have their own store even (which is actually rather cute)! But I would take Peeps over jellybeans any day. I do not like jelly beans. I may or may not have put several jelly beans in the trash over the weekend.
- Would you rather spend a day planting seeds or a day at the beach?
- Oh my goodness. I’ve never really planted seeds and I cannot imagine an entire day of doing so. Simply cannot imagine it. So, although I mentioned above that I am not exactly a beach girl, I would take one day of the beach over seed planting. One day at the beach actually sounds like fun. But not an entire vacation.
- Would you rather grow green grass or grass of a color of your choosing?
- Huh? An example of a question that I just don’t get. Grass is green. And, right now, the grass is at its greenest. It is beautiful…just like everything about this time of year!!
- Would you rather do the chicken dance or the bunny hop?
- I’m not exactly positive what the bunny hop is. I guess I really am old. It has been many moons since this girl has done the chicken dance but thinking about doing so does bring back a lot of fun memories. So, I suppose I would choose the chicken dance. Just not sure how that would work out. No doubt, not pretty!!
Now, for a few of the unanswered questions:) Any thoughts?? To see others (with more imagination than mine), visit the link-up here.
- Would you rather wear sandals with socks or sandals with hosiery?
- Would you rather wear clothes made of feathers or clothes made of flower petals?
- Would you rather have flowers for fingers or flowers for toes?
- Would you rather be a caterpillar or a tadpole?
And I cannot end today’s post with a shout out to my sweet son on his birthday! One of my bestest friends and joy to my heart! Hope you are having a great day, Jordan!! Here’s to a wonderful year ahead….so much potential on the horizon!
You don’t like Peeps or jelly beans? I’m jealous! I wish I did not like these. However, I was good this year and bought no Peeps and just two bags of jelly beans (which I used in Easter baskets). So much gratuitous sugar (which is why I love them both so!). Those are some interesting questions… I’m definitely lacking a bit of imagination today. Happy Birthday to your handsome son! I hope you have a wonderful day of celebrating him.
Hi Jennifer, it’s been ages since I’ve been by. With babysitting my (now 18 month old) granddaughter 3 days a week, I keep very busy and just haven’t had time for blogs. But I do miss my blogging friends, so I am trying to work my schedule a bit, to allow for a bit of blogging time. I may or may not go back to writing a blog myself. (Actually, I do write a blog, but it is currently only a journal for myself and isn’t public).
Anyhow, I am with you on the color of grass. It’s green, and I wouldn’t want it any other color. Green is my favorite color anyway. I love to hear the birds chirping. Such a joyous sound, especially after a very long winter.
Not a peep fan either. Not wild about jelly beans either, except for “buttered popcorn” Jelly Bellys.
A very happy birthday to your son!
Hi Jennifer! Those chickens make me smile since I’m enjoying every opportunity to spend time with my daughter’s 9 feathered daughters these days. Absolutely so much fun!
An interesting post – and I can understand why you didn’t get round to answering the last few! I certainly can’t imagine grass any other colour than green (or brown when it gets scorched in the summer) Happy belated birthday to your son, I hope he had a fun day!