As you know, I have always been a fan of Monday mornings…and this particular Monday I am just so grateful to be out of bed!! I had the worst stomach flu this weekend and was sicker than back in the chemo days…needless to say, my brain is slow working today and I could not get my thoughts together for a post.

So let me just share my heart’s delight! This is Miss Riley Jane’s new year photo and, yes, she just started wearing bows in her hair…what a big girl she is!! If ever there was a reason for dragging yourself out of bed – for loving life in general – it is a precious little one like this! Riley and her parents live way too far from us…in Florida…and, my oh my, how we miss her every day!

I hope she made you smile, too. Hopefully, my brain will be up off the couch as well tomorrow!

7 thoughts on “

  1. So sorry to hear that you’ve been sick, Jennifer. Can I give you a “Bless your heart”? Those stomach bugs can be so nasty. Knock on wood, we’ve all been able to avoid it up to this point. Take good care of yourself and I’ll say a prayer that you’re up, again, soon.

    What a sweet little girl!

  2. Hi, Jennifer,

    Glad to hear that you’re feeling a little bit better! You’ve been in my prayers.

    What a blessing our little ones are! That picture of Riley is just way too cute! Hope you’ll be able to visit with her soon.

    Get well soon, my friend.

  3. oh too cute! i remember when ella could finally wear a bow in her hair. it only took like 2 years, lol!
    i’m sorry you were sick this weekend. what a bummer. glad you’re starting to feel better.

  4. Praying that you’re completely better soon friend! I actually thought that I was coming down with something yesterday. Unfortunately, I was way to busy to stop myself and rest. Thank the Lord that I woke up feeling just fine.

    And YES, this little cutie did put a smile on my face! Thanks and take care of yourself.

  5. Jennifer ~
    You are such a faithful blogging friend! You always have an encouraging word when you visit me; thank you for that.
    I’m so sorry you have been ill but glad you are on the mend!
    Riley looks like a sweetheart! I’m sure you miss her lots. Perhaps Mom could start a blog and put her pictures and videos on there for you. That is what my daughter does so we can see our two little treasures! They grow up way too fast and if I can’t be there with them, at least I can watch their progress via internet!
    Praying for a good day for you tomorrow!

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