Counting the Days

Just in case I haven’t mentioned it lately……it is almost time to meet our grandson!! Mommy is 38 weeks tomorrowSmile  Everyone is healthy and we are just waiting…….. erica preg

7 thoughts on “Counting the Days

  1. Oh how exciting!! Those last few days are soo long for everyone, especially the new mama. Does she live near you? I seem to remember she doesn't, so will you be going there soon?

    haha on the GREAT grandmother thing…Yes, I guess that does mean that "technically" I will be, though I will wait until he actually marries her (ANOTHER long story) before I officially take on the role, haha….we have all had a good time teasing John about being a grandpa. You'd have to know this guy to really get the joy in that. ; )

    Wow, two posts in one day…I guess I was behind. Your soo right, how I'd love to have you near. If you ever vaca in California, PLEASE PLEASE stop by!


  2. I can only imagine how thrilled you must be at the thought of meeting that sweet new grandbaby of yours! Hoping and praying that the delivery goes smoothly!

  3. What an exciting time! She looks beautiful and healthy!
    Praying for a safe delivery.
    Grandkids are great, aren't they!
    I posted about my grandson a minute ago.
    Happy Easter to you!

  4. Your daughter looks very healthy and happy. Your little grand-daughter will be excited about a little brother or sister in her life, won't she.

  5. HI Jenn,
    Doesn't sound like too long to you are gonna be a grammy again, how exciting!!
    So glad you are as healthy as a horse, all that prodding and poking for nothing, Thank the Lord!! lol
    Love your story about the window….
    funny how we do miss so easily the bright side of things at times!
    You probably have a whole new appreciation for that window now.
    My mom used to always say that thing about pink in the morning, sailor take warning. That is neat it is in the bible I had forgotten about that, but I did remember reading it before when I read your post.
    Happy birthday to your sweet Jordan.
    Sorry you didn't get to see him on his special day, I am sure he missed his Mom too!
    Thanks for coming by this week and your encouraging comments, always love hearing from you.
    Blessings, and Happy Easter,
    He is almost Risen!!

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