One of best things about blogging is discovering so many fun and beautiful blogs (so many creative ladies out there!)….reading encouraging posts, seeing how similar life is even when individual lives can be so different….and getting new recipes:)
My friend, Donna has been sharing pumpkin recipes this week. Did I mention pumpkin is one of my favorite foods?? She has several yummy ones here and I thought I would throw in my two sense…or one I would love to try. I found this recipe at a new blog I discovered this morning – such a nice site with an etsy shop and even a country store. It was here.
This looks similar to what my mom used to make and call dump cake. But Pumpkin Crunch Cake sounds so much tastier!:) I know this will remind me of her. Hope everyone has a yummy weekend.
Pumpkin Crunch Cake~
1 yellow cake mix
1 can pumpkin
1 can evaporated milk
3 eggs
1 1/2 cup sugar
4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup melted butter
whipped topping
Combine pumpkin, milk, egg, sugar,pumpkin pie spice, and salt in bowl. Pour into pan.
Sprinkle dry yellow cake mix evenly over pumpkin mixture. Sprinkle pecans over top. Drizzle melted butter over everything. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Cool completely and top with whipped topping.
This sounds soo yummy. Pumpkin is also my favorite. I have a wonderful Pumpkin Coffe cake recipe if you are interested. Just let me know. I will definitely check out that pumpkin blog you mentioned later as that is exciting. Have a wonderful day! Debbie
Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!
Hope you get all the Pumpkin you desire this next week!:~P
Yum!!! I love pumpkin!!! Enjoy your weekend!
The pumpkin dump cake sounds so good! Have a great weekend.
I have made this recipe and it is yummy. I too like anything pumpkin, so I know where you are coming from. Here's hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for! Love & blessings from NC!
Mmm~pumpkin crunch cake! Let me know if you try it out! Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Hi Jennifer,
I used to make dump cake but with cherry, blueberry, apple or peach pie filling. I will have to try the pumpkin, sounds yummy for sure.
thanks for coming by and thanks for your prayers for hubby's upcoming stress test. Should find out today when it will be.
Yes, health is very important and we don't take it for granted around here either!
I will pray for your upcoming scans too, didn't know you had to
go thru treatments for Lymphoma either, wow! Then you know what it is like to live from test to test as well!
Know you must be so excited that you will be moving into your new
home very soon. Can't wait to see some pics!!
I still have to post some pics of our bathroom redo, I just need one more shot that I thought I had
then I can post them. Probably will wait till next week after Thanksgiving, just have to see!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!
I am thankful for you and all my new bloggy friends, you are such a sweet and encouraging gal and always appreciate your sweet comments. It is neat to see what the Lord has done in your life,
cause I know you have been thru quite a lot! You Shine girl!
Blessings, Nellie
Oh yum! I love pumpkin, I'll have to check these out! Thanks!
I think we will have to start Thanksgiving down here just to have pie. Sounds real good.