At Last……..

THANKFUL THURSDAY….and just one week before the “big” Thankful Thursday!! A few blessings from this week for today, though.

**Thankful for my friend, Hannah, and her husband having Hubbie and I over for dinner Tuesday night. What an enjoyable evening – and the london broil on the grill was beyond yummy. I really don’t cook alot of beef but Hubbie SO loves it and, yes, he had about three helpings…totally lovin’ life at that meal!!

**Thankful for Donna who so helped me focus and organize my thoughts this week. She is such a sweet friend – and my brain is total mush lately?!?!?

And LAST, but not least….

**This is the LAST week we will be in our cozy apartment. If all stays on schedule, we go to settlement on Monday. Hurrah.

**Last night was the LAST time we will have to trek down to church (from the apartment) for the mid-week service. With our area’s traffic, it is a LONG trip. Grrrr.

**Today is the LAST treatment in this latest round of maintenance treatments to keep my lymphoma “away”! Praying for clean scans in a few weeks.

Hope your day is blessed as well!!

4 thoughts on “At Last……..

  1. Good morning, Jennifer,

    Last things are good, aren't they? So glad today is your last treatment!

    Glad I could be of help to you on Monday! 🙂

    Hope you have a good day. I have your blog on my sidebar if you want to look for it.

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