Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a good weekend. It’s finally here – the week of my birthday girls’ getaway weekend! Looking forward to it, for sure, but for now….here is the current “state of affairs” at my house.
Outside my window. It seems rather overcast. No prediction for rain but the sun seems slow to make its appearance this morning. The forecast is for another beautiful day – mid-70s – and just the way I love it! Interestingly, the forecast for Waco today is for a high of 62! My trip later this week is to Texas and, honestly, I had thought it might be much warmer. There is no second-guessing the weather…that’s for sure! (side note: Waco weather forecast for later this week and the weekend – high 80s!) 🙂
Around the house. All is quiet. It is early. And Monday:) I completely forgot to get this post prepared last night so I am at the computer much earlier than normal for me. But all seems to be “in order” and we are ready to start a fresh week. Well, maybe after that first cup of coffee!
Also on the to-do list. I need to decide what I want to pack. I bought some new shoes….which were much needed and are cute, but walking all day in new shoes can be a bit of a gamble. Should I take some “old” shoes as well? And, if so, why did I search for the perfect new ones??
On the menu this week. We will be cleaning out the refrigerator this week. Hubby will eat simple while I am gone but he will not use up leftovers, etc., so those need to be finished and gone. There once was a day that I made meals for him and left the refrigerator full for him whenever I traveled. Well, those days are no more!? He is very self-sufficient. And will eat well, I am sure!!
On my mind as the week begins. Trip details. Everything is planned and ready…but that does not stop me from thinking, rethinking, and (yes) overthinking. Just to be sure!! We leave on Thursday…so, there will be a Wednesday post this week – and I hope you will come back for that – and then not another post until the following Wednesday. A bit of a blogging break/vacation for me….but do stop by on Wednesday before I go! Here’s to a blessed week ahead, friends. Now…it is time for coffee!
Psalm 92:1 “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High”
I tend to way overthink and obsess over my vacations before we leave too and always end up overpacking because of that as well. The last time I left my husband home with the boys I prepared meals and planned them out for the week and they didn’t eat a single one! They were invited out or over by various family members and all my hard work was for nothing. I always joked I’d never do that again. Funny, when he takes off and I’m left with 3 kids everyone just assumes I’ve got it and no one invites us out! 🙂 I hope you have a fabulous time on your trip and I am rather jealous of the weather as our forecast isn’t looking like it’s going to get out of the 50’s this week.
Funny – I had a friend here say something similar….how her husband seems to get way more invites when she was away and he was home alone!! Made me laugh!!
Yay!! I know you’re excited for this weekend! I’m so happy for you, that you’re getting to do this. I always recommend girlfriend trips, even if they’re to a nearby town for just one night. Anything like that is so good for the soul! Us gals need one another! I’m excited to see your pictures and hear about your trip, so take lots of pics to share with us! Don’t forget to be in a few!
As for the shoes, if I were you, I’d definitely take some older ones as well that you know are comfy. I’d consider putting the older ones into a bag for the car in case you’re out and need to change out of the new ones. If you don’t need the older ones that’s great, but that way they’ll be there if you need them. I hope you have a great day, my friend! I’ll see you back here on Wednesday.
Funny – I wore the new ones around the house yesterday. They are comfortable…but definitely feel “new” so older shoes, for sure, on the trip!!
It sounds like you are well organised and ready to go on your trip. I’d definitely take a spare pair of clothes just in case those gorgeous new cute ones aren’t so comfortable after a day walking around in them! Have fun!