The end of another month. An exciting and rather fun-filled month! Yesterday was my birthday….and it feels like I have been celebrating for a week! I have been reminded how very blessed that I am – and it has been a special birthday, to be sure. Oh, and it continues:) Tomorrow, some friends and I leave for our long getaway weekend to Waco. (Yes, I may have mentioned that a time or twelve here on the blog…and, no doubt, you will hear about it again after I return. Sorry about that. Sorta.) Nevertheless, I have time to squeak in one last post for the month, and then I will return next Wednesday. And it will be May….woohoo!! Thanks for stopping by and I do hope you will come back next week. Finish out April well!! I hope all your trees are blooming. (Isn’t this pink dogwood – taken in my brother’s neighborhood in the heart of the city – just a beauty??!!)
DOING. Obviously, quite a bit of “celebrating” or spending extra time with friends and with family….which also translates into a lot of extra eating!!:) I have been to all my favorite restaurants and have had some great meals lately. We have this little (very little) “thing” when celebrating birthdays. The birthday person gets to order everyone else’s meals. Yes, it can be tricky. And risky. Truthfully, I made some suggestions last night but, for the most point, everyone made their final choice. (We have done it before when there was no choice!) I like to try new dishes and I enjoy picking something new for everyone else to try. My husband is much more of a “tried and true…order what I always do” type of diner, but he was a good sport last night and had an amazing pasta dish. It even looked delish…and he ate the whole thing, so I know he liked it.
We also do not usually bring gifts to a restaurant. Does that bother you? My husband really does not like it and I suppose he has been conditioned. However, my brother rode the train and had to bring his things inside with him. I was a good sport about it:) Our server noticed his gifts sitting there beside me…and brought dessert to the table! That was really nice. We also do NOT tell servers if someone is celebrating a birthday. I’m curious – do you think that is fun, embarrassing, or just plain unnecessary?? If I’m completely honest, no one was really hungry for dessert and we left most of it. Rather shameful – but the thought was super nice!!
COOKING. I have not done a lot of cooking this month. Obviously, I have not a lot of eating at home this month!:) I did try a couple of new keto ideas for dinner but they were mediocre. Not bad (and I would certainly eat then again) but not worth noting or making mention of in a post. I do need some new ideas though.
One thing we did have dinner last night was cauliflower hummus. Who knew? I had never heard of hummus made with anything other than beans. We all loved it! Ok, my husband would not even try it! Good grief. I will definitely be looking for a recipe and making that at home next month. Now I am wondering just how many ways are there to make hummus??
GIVING THANKS. There is just so much to be grateful for this month. I have been repeatedly reminded how blessed I am – just how much my family, my friends, my church family, my ministry opportunities, and more, truly really mean to me. Truthfully, I have felt loved and appreciated…which a girl just needs every once in a while 🙂 I am thankful for the gifts, the cards, the flowers, and all the good conversation over meals. I am also thankful for all my husband has done to make my trip possible. Even a long weekend trip can quickly add up but he is not only generous but also so supportive. I know he would enjoy getting away as well – and hopefully, we will be able to do that soon – but he is happy that I have this weekend ahead with my friends! Oh, and I am super thankful at the idea of traveling without a mask!:) Just sayin.
I am generally terrible at taking pictures when I am out and about – but I will try to have at least a few to share next week. For sure, I will be able to ramble and share my adventure in words. I look forward to sharing it with you!!
Cauliflower hummus is not good mommy. Plants are nasty. I’m glad you bad a good birthday you the best mom ever in the whole world.
I don’t mind when people bring gifts to a restaurant; we do when it’s people who don’t live near us and we wont see them at home and I assume when others have a few small gifts that’s probably why. We never tell the server/restaurant when it’s someone’s birthday though as I feel bad for the person they’re singing to and would not want to be the center of attention like that. It sounds like a great month; I can not believe next week is already May! I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip and I’m looking forward to hearing about it.
I like to tell our server that it’s someone’s birthday. Keep in mind I’m usually at a table loaded with grown men, so they’re always hungry for dessert. For me, however, I won’t let anyone tell them it’s mind if I know they sing. My mom, sisters, stepdad and I went to a Mexican restaurant one time for my birthday and not only did our waitress sing to me, she made me wear a big hat (gross) and proceeded to put a plate of whipped cream in my face. I wasn’t amused and told the manager who checked us out that if they were going to do that, they needed to make that person’s meal free. I had on a brand new shirt that night and I was NOT happy, though I tried my best to be a good sport.
Have so much fun, friend! I can’t wait to hear about your trip! Safe travels to you all!
May you know that your life blesses others – even those you have not met in person. Happy birthday and enjoy your trip!