Learning to Choose Joy

If you want to learn to swim, you have to get in the water.  You can sit by the pool and dream about swimming…you can even flop on your bed and practice your breaststroke to perfection, but unless you get in the water – it’s not swimming.

We’ve all heard the saying, “don’t pray for patience!”  Why?  Because we can read, study and have all the head knowledge we want about patience but until we go through situations or circumstances that demand patience, we will never truly develop that wonderful fruit of the spirit known as patience.

So, I suppose the past few days that I have had all began when I asked the Lord to teach me more about joy.  More about choosing joy – even when circumstances are less than joyful.  The Bible tells us to “count it all joy” and I believe that Christians can choose joy – even on difficult days, during heart heavy and weary days.  But I also know that, more often than not, I choose to live defeated by my emotions.  So, I asked the Lord to help me.

Much like learning swim skills in the safety of the bedroom, I am not going to learn to make the deliberate choice to have joy – on nothing by “bright blue sky” days!  Surprisingly, these past few days have been anything but sunny and blue.  What a week!  But God is teaching, refining and helping.  He is so very faithful to teach us when we ask.  I hope to share some of what I have learned in some upcoming posts.

In the meantime, I will press on – and choose joy!!

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