Lift Your Eyes Unto the Hills

Friday – and time for another Five Minute Friday which is just about all I have time for this morning.  Five minutes.  And today’s prompt is: HELP.  When I read it, I immediately began humming.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord which made Heaven and earth.

The first two verses from Psalm 121 put to a little chorus that has become our church’s theme song for the second half of this year.  We sing it through twice every service which means I sing these words no less than six times a week.  Not only are they memorized but they are ingrained.  Or firmly fixed (such a great definition!) much like a certain song would be if I mentioned someone’s birthday.  I think that’s great.  Mention the word help and my thoughts immediately and easily go straight to scripture – and the source of my help!

It is not great because of my musical ability or even because of my keen memorization skills.  Certainly not.  The wonderful thing is how easily scripture can be hidden into our thoughts and onto our hearts.  Some repetition and perhaps a few tricks (such as an easy tune) and anyone can remember scripture.  A verse here and a few more verses there and we have a ready mind.  A mental arsenal from which we can pull truth to defeat the devil, or we can find words that will comfort, instruct or encourage someone in need, or we can simply take our own stray thoughts captive.  We are not too old to memorize scripture.  Don’t fall for that excuse.  Commit to learning God’s word and hiding it away in your heart!

And, thank you for everyone’s kind comments and thoughts regarding my day trip tomorrow that I mentioned in Tuesday’s “Currently” post.  The weather is supposed to be wonderful (which is a plus) and I am very excited.  Here’s to a wonderful time together!  I pray your weekend has something fun in store as well!

12 thoughts on “Lift Your Eyes Unto the Hills

  1. I need to get better at the practice of learning scripture. I certainly know some scripture, but not the way I’d imagine a person who has been following Christ her entire adulthood might. Our children’s department has been studying the Psalms for a few months, and there are so many things – like the passage you’ve written on – that are helpful for both children and adults. The psalms would be a great place to start “hiding” scripture.

    1. I would agree – the Psalms are a great place to start with memorization. Or perhaps some verses from the Christmas story in Luke. Have those memorized in time for the Christmas season:)

  2. God has written on my heart
    the cure for this day’s ills;
    when I’m pressed, I merely start
    to lift eyes unto the hills
    whence comes His Mighty Aid,
    the help that’s known of old
    that keeps the timid unafraid,
    and makes the frightened bold.
    There’s no deviltry that can withstand
    this onslaught from the heights
    that rumbles in to heal the land,
    rekindle dying lights
    and prepares, with Holy essence
    feasting-time in enemy presence.

    1. One of my favorite, Andrew. “Keeps the timid unafraid, and makes the frightened bold.” Amen!! Thanks for stopping by – and always sharing encouraging prose:)

  3. yes, memorizing scripture is the lifeline that my broken mind needs. Psalm 121 was my first thought when pondering help, too. Such a beautiful promise from the Word.

  4. I love this psalm – partly because in a previous job I drove for half a hour every morning towards the mountains, so for nine years it was my inspiration every day! And yes I so agree, do everything we can to memorize scripture, so it is there to nourish and sustain and also as our sword when needed! Great reflection. #fmf7

  5. Hope your trip was glorious. Wish I could have chauffeured you!! I need a day trip, too.
    I need to commit some Scripture to memory. Have not been in God’s word for long and have never tried to memorize a verse but this one from Psalms seems like a good one to be able to pull up when needed. Find myself remembering that God works all things for good but I am sure that isn’t an exact quote. Still the sentiment is reassuring.

    1. The trip was wonderful, Leslie!! Having Psalms ready “to pull up as needed” is very much a blessing and worthwhile exercise!! And you quoted Romans 8:28 quite well:) Always glad you stop by, friend!

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