Well…here it is Tuesday evening and I’ve almost forgotten to answer my own question. What a goof – on Tuesday mornings, I’m out the door earlier than most days for Bible study and, then, well the day gets away from me. I did like reading everyone’s comments about the seasons – isn’t God so good to give us all the different seasons?
I do like fall. I love: flannel sheets (and flannel jammies), the smell from fireplaces when I go out to walk the doggie (and how cute he looks in his little argyle sweater), all the yummy-flavored creamers that make me want to keep drinking coffee, and I like my fall/winter wardrobe so much better than my summer one………but,
I have to admit, I LOVE spring the best!! The daffodils (and yellow forsythia) beat out even the beauty of fall leaves any day for me! Its no secret that I really don’t like winter but knowing – because of God’s great faithfulness – that spring is just around the corner helps me survive those long, too cold months. Spring totally renews me…emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Now…I just have to remind myself of that when winter digs in its heels all too soon around here!! Thanks for all your comments.
We still love you, dear, no matter what season is your favorite! ;~*
spring is definitely fun! i know i'm always more than ready for it by the time it comes around 🙂
I will still come visit even if you don't like fall more! I do love spring as well. Something about everything that was dead coming alive gets to me. Enjoy your day!