Not Again?!?

GiddyUp Junction….that’s where I’ve been all week.  It has been VBS week at our church.  Seems a bit late in the season but it was a good way to finish up the summer and prepare for the new school year – which is, somehow, already here.   The theme, this year, was cowboy/western and took place in GiddyUp Junction:)

It has been many years since I did VBS – at least, here in the states and I was definitely feeling my age!!  In fact, when I read the FMF prompt, AGAIN, it was (too) early on day five of VBS and my energy and excitement was definitely failing.  My introverted inner self could only think to say….again?1?

GO – Sad, but true.  Day five felt like one day too many and I was having a hard time gathering my enthusiasm for another morning of VBS fun.  And it was fun!  But, I was craving some “no people” time to refuel and refresh my spirit.  I rolled out of bed groaning…”again??” ( Even before I knew the prompt!!)

But God supplied and enabled – and gave us not only a fun final day but a good week overall!  I remember how much I enjoy teaching…..and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to make lesson plans, create interesting object lessons and just to interact with the kids.  I will confess that, if I allow it, my negative attitude can get the best of me.  Especially when I’m depleted and, unfortunately, the older I get, the quicker that happens.  Given the choice, I would have easily bowed out today (which wasn’t an option, thankfully) and then I would have missed the blessing of the morning.

And, so I wonder how many other blessings have I missed because I refused to go it “again”?  What has He asked me to do again – and I just was not willing?  To forgive again.  To tell that one who seems so disinterested – again.  To put someone else first.  To settle the squabbles.  To answer the same question.  To listen to a senior friend’s story. Again.  And the list goes on.  If I’m honest, I’ve no doubt missed more blessings that I know.

STOP – When my attitude is grumbling, “again??”  I want to be mindful that often the real victories, the best blessings, and true joy is found just after I agree to do “it” again!!  The other Five Minute Friday posts are here.


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