Reason to Give Testimony

As a teenager, I often cringed when the announcement was made that an upcoming service would include time for testimonies.  Admittedly, I still struggle – or even cringe – with these services.  These days, I can be crippled by unexplained anxiety for any type of open forum public speaking.  Not just in church services but anywhere.  I have no idea!  But back in my teenage years, I would tremble at the thought of trying to actually think of something to share.  My “simple” praise for my parents, a good home or even a successful school year just felt small.  Inadequate.

And while I have matured a bit – in years and in my faith – through the years, often I still find myself searching for the testimony that sounds worthy enough to share.  Perhaps a mountain top experience, or at least the unexpected blessing that left me speechless with God’s goodness!  I cannot seem to silence a small but lingering voice of doubt which causes me to wonder if my every day, “routine” blessings are enough to stand and give testimony of.

Psalm 107:2 says “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so….”  Give testimony.  Speak up – and share God’s grace, mercy, love, and goodness.  I want to be a grateful child of God.  Grateful for all of it.  The huge and amazing.  The miraculous days….and for all the other days as well.  So, why do I struggle?  As I considered this thought for this week’s FMF prompt, I think God gave me a bit of the answer this morning. Lisa Appelo said, in a devotional email, “Gratitude should cause us to fall more deeply in love with God, rather than what God does for us.”

Too often my focus is on what God is doing, how He is leading or what He is providing rather than simply on God – and on who He is.  When the redeemed of the Lord say so, all they need do is let the world see God.  The other things may come….but are not necessary in order to give testimony.  In order to share Christ and any number of His attributes.  Any day – every day – is an opportunity to give testimony and I don’t need to worry if I actually have something to share.  I know Christ!!

These are my thoughts today on the Five Minute Friday prompt:  testimony.  You can read the others here.  Have a blessed weekend.  Give testimony – share Christ – with someone!

6 thoughts on “Reason to Give Testimony

  1. Oi, mate, come and sit right down;
    want a cuppa, or a beer?
    We really should remove that frown,
    so here’s a mug of Jesus-cheer.
    There’s no doubt that He lived;
    old Josephus said that straight.
    That He rose is duly proved
    in His mates’ accepted fate.
    Only a nut would toss his life
    upon a premise that’s a lie;
    they saw the truth, accepted strife
    and death, for their souls would not die.
    These blokes were rough and simple men,
    like you and me, and all our friends.

    #1 at FMF this week.

  2. It appears to me that God Has designed you to beautifully write and put into words wise and encouraging words so that it can be read over and over again. Those who speak easily in front of people get a one time shot and just hope that someone will remember what they said .

    1. Thank you for your faithful encouragement!! Praying this little blog can be a blessing to at least one person each week!

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