Imagine it is the height of the California Gold Rush. A new miner has just arrived in town. He is eager to not only stake a claim but also to strike it reach. He is led to the entrance of a mine and is told undetermined wealth is guaranteed…all he need do is dig deep. This dig comes with a one hundred percent guarantee! That miner begins to dig, dig some more and determines to keep digging. He even unearths some gold chunks and, although pleased, his discovery only makes him more determined to continue digging for the true mother lode. To unearth riches untold!
“….that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.” Eph. 3:8b
Paul said there are, simply, unsearchable riches for Christians. Concepts, blessings, identities that are ours that we simply cannot fully comprehend! I know I am redeemed, have forgiveness of sins (all sins!), am sealed, have an inheritance and so much more. I know it… but can I fully understand and appreciate all that means? Definitely not – but that does not make them any less true.
There are spiritual riches that are available to me every day – His love for me, mercies new every morning, fellowship with my Heavenly Father, and access to treasures of wisdom and knowledge! He has given me “all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (II Peter 1:3)! And I need to be searching – daily! – for these things. This wisdom and knowledge. Here is the truth:
“If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:4-5
If we will search – just like that determined miner who would not be content with surface gold – and will daily and regularly seek and search, God promises to answer. He desires to answer!
STOP – These are my thoughts today for the Five Minute Friday prompt: SEARCH. I encourage you to read Kate’s thoughts on “search” with a look at some more of my favorite verses – Psalm 139:23-24. What a needful exercise for each of us….to allow God to search our hearts, our thoughts and our motives and to expose any wicked ways. I pray all these scriptures will be an encouragement to you today.
“…the unsearchable riches of Christ.” What a wonderful reminder this verse describes. I have to admit I watch a few Alaska shows like Gold Rush and they are so determined to find the mother lode. But how much better is God’s riches in Christ? We have what we need for this life and the one to come. So blessed, aren’t we? Visiting from FMF #27. Great post!
Thanks, Debbie! And, yes, we are so, so blessed!! Glad you stopped by!
I love this take on the prompt, Jennifer! The riches we have in Christ are amazing and it is definitely worth keeping on searching to grow in wisdom and love as we get to know him more.
So thankful you mentioned that verse. My mind went right to search me and know me, show me if there be any wicked way in me but to know that Christ and all that is in Him is a search for deep treasure that keeps being found throughout the years.
Peggy – so glad you stopped by! So many favorite verses:)
Great thoughts on searching. And Psalm 139 is my favorite so anytime I see a reference to it, I am happy. Blessings!
Psalm 139 seems to resonate with many:) Thanks for stopping by – your comments are always a blessing!