September 2017 – By the Numbers

Another month finished – and, hopefully, finished well!  I thought it would be a good time to look back at the month….by the numbers again!  The pictures included have little (or nothing!) to do with the numbers but are just a few that were taken in September.



TWENTY FOUR – the number who attended our Sunday School class spaghetti dinner.  This was a first time for this activity – and apparently well-liked!!  Put that one down to do again!

THREE – the number of years it has been since I was able to attend Tuesday morning Bible study.  It was great to return and see several familiar faces.  I really enjoy small group Bible studies and being able to join this group again has already been a blessing

TWO – the number of setbacks.  Not once, but twice, our vacation plans were interrupted by hurricanes.  Obviously, in the scheme of things, an altered vacation is nothing.  So much devastation this month!  However, when the car refused to start on the morning before vacation attempt number three…we took it as “a sign” and just accepted no Hilton Head for us this year.  We did several other day trips instead and have loved it!

SIX – the number of figures (as in over a half a million) representing the faith promised pledged during this year’s missions conference!  It is staggering (to me!), humbling and, yes, exciting to be part of something so incredible!  We had a wonderful conference and my heart is stirred – once again! – for missions, for missionaries (I love both….missions and missionaries!) and for the potential to reach so many with the gospel.  This year, I was dumbstruck by how many people and people groups around the world that are completely unreached with the gospel!!

NINETY-TWO – the number degrees in
the temperature – in the last week of September! – when we tried to go hiking!  In my opinion, hiking is no good (if not impossible) when it is 92 outside!  Why is it 92 in September??!

TWENTY-NINE – the number of candles on my beautiful daughter’s birthday cake (er, cupcake!)..whether she owns up to them all or not!  If she thinks “pushing 30” is too much for her to handle – how old does it make me feel!!?!  As trite as it sounds, it truly seems like yesterday that she rushed into the world – catching us all by surprise and forever filling our hearts with love!

THIRTY-TWO – the number of years married to my sweetheart.  Thanking the Lord for another anniversary, a night away to celebrate and another year of memories.



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