Here we are at Friday and getting close to the end of January already. Hard to believe, but true. That means tomorrow will be the first Share Four Somethings for this year. Jen has changed it up just a bit. The link-up will still be on the last Saturday of the month but the prompts have been refreshed a bit. Sounds like fun. I’m all about a little refresh ever now and then. The entire link-up can be found here starting tomorrow. Let’s get started.
some things I have loved – all the cozy things, to be sure. Our fireplace. Comfort foods and winter soups in the crock pot. My snuggly bed and flannel sheets (which I mentioned the other day). And, this one might be surprising, getting outside here and there. I have not been walking distances like I was during the warmer weather, and typically I simply hibernate during January and February but I have been going out more. Bundled up, for sure, but the air feels so fresh. And crisp. Crisp, as in frozen, but I have almost enjoyed it. If I had proper footwear, I might actually go for winter walks. But, I don’t. So let’s not push it:)
some things I have learned – um, that I actually will not die if I go outside when it is in the single digits. This is radical and a bit mind-blowing for me. Something else – completely unrelated – that was rather surprising is that I can detect no difference in decaf and regular caf coffee. None. The taste is exactly the same to me…so why drink the caffeine? Decaf coffee for me. However, after checking multiple stores, there are very few decaf options. Not sure why but I fount that interesting. I did purchase some Tim Horton’s and am quite happy with my morning cup of warm happiness.
some things that went well – was overwintering some outside plants. I have to admit, I never really knew this was an option and have never done it before; however, this past summer when I inherited several of my brother’s plants before he moved, he was very “concerned” about his rose bush. It had, apparently, almost died and he invested a lot into getting it healthy again. I will admit it was quite beautiful when I brought it to my patio. But what would I do with it all winter? When I began looking into it, I discovered the idea of overwintering. That rose bush is dormant in our garage and, honestly, looks to be doing very well. A few others have been moved inside the house for the winter. I never expected them to so completely thrive. We have a mandevilla (a climbing one that I believe would wrap vines around the dog if she sat still for too long!) and even a geranium. Who knew a geranium would grow – and even bloom – in the house??
something I need to let go of – would be my bad attitude in the winter. Winter – with its freezy temperatures, ice-covered steps that won’t melt, bundled up clothing, and the list goes on – too easily makes me cranky. Even sad. But this snow has been on the ground for weeks now and it is not going anywhere soon. It could be many more weeks of all things winter. And that is too long to be irritable and moody. I have been working hard on an attitude adjustment. Of course, old habits die hard but I am rather determined. (Wish me luck!)
Here’s to a new year of Share Four Somethings. I hope you enjoy them and will check out what others have been loving and learning this first month of 2025.
On the subject of caffeine, I drink coffee to lessen arthritis pain and it seems to help. Better than prescription drugs or even OTC medications. I drink one cup before breakfast (to help with creaky joints at that time of day), and one cup after lunch.
The rest of the time, my hot beverage of choice is green tea.
Congrats on braving the single digit temps! It’s been 7 years since I left Colorado for Florida and now cold is VERY cold!
Good for you, Jennifer, when it comes to taking care of your plants that you received from your brother when he moved! I brought in all of my geraniums this fall and put them in the kitchen window. I’ve been pleased at how well they have done, and the red one is currently blooming!
I totally get you when it comes to the winter weather and attitude. Mine was great…. with the first snowfall. but we also have had snow on the ground for weeks now, (and it’s snowing more today), and then add the subzero temperatures we’ve been dealing with and, yeah, my attitude hasn’t been the greatest either. So, thank you for the reminder.
Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend. xx
I think my attitude about the cold and snow may need a little work too. Mostly, I don’t mind it too bad if I can just stay home. But I probably fuss about it a little more than I should. I enjoyed reading all your answers. Have a great weekend.
Love your things you loved and agree that all of them sound lovely. Congrats on getting out even in the winter! I feel you on the not dying part! I was half convinced my life might end if I took the compost out to the compost bin. That required WALKING IN THE COLD!! We have less than two months of winter- we’ve got this!
I feel like I have been worse with accepting winter this year than in years past; I don’t know if this one had just been colder all around or if our 2 weeks in Hawaii made me weak but I find myself staying inside more than ever this year. I too tried to adopt a positive attitude about winter a few years ago and it really did help for several years (just not this one for some reason!).
I have never tried overwintering plants but I know my mother in law does with a few of hers. I really should give it a try one year! From my quick Google search about it, many of the plants I’ve put in pots each summer that I assumed were annuals aren’t!
Yay for getting out and not dying in the single digits, LOL! It is something good to learn. I had to go out the other morning and it was a single digit but felt like negative something (isn’t my memory great?!), but it wasn’t the -24, so we took it, LOL! Good luck with a better attitude towards winter. I am struggling with some things, so I need a better attitude in general. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
It seems that I too suffer from a bad attitude during cold weather and admit I need an attitude adjustment, lol. It has been very cold here in Florida and I am just done with it all, smiles. Wishing you a lovely day, my friend.
Jennifer – I can think of some things I need to let go of. Mostly attitude problems. Thanks for the nudge to take care of business. Happy Sunday evening to you.
I like all things cozy too! Visiting from S4S spot #12. Enjoy your February.
Hi Pam….thanks for stopping by!!