Good Monday morning! I hope you had a good weekend. It was a tad warmer here over the weekend which was most welcome. We went out for breakfast on Saturday morning. Breakfast is my favorite. A delicious breakfast out is also my favorite. Great start to a good weekend. No compliments…which is good because on Friday, I mentioned (put in writing) that I was committed to changing my attitude about winter. Then, last night, I texted a friend telling her that I was committed (once again) to intermittent fasting. And it dawned on me…that is quite a bit of committing, on my part, lately!!:)
Commitment. In my simple scenarios, my commitment is a determination to follow through. Not to quit or “throw in the towel” too quickly or easily. Of course, commitment can go way deeper and be so much more. Can even refer to my faithfulness. But, for today, I’m thinking about winter (and opinions thereof) and eating on a schedule. However, the word commitment did give me pause for consideration. This is not the first time I have determined to follow an intermittent fasting eating plan. I’m pretty sure this is not the first time my attitude has need a focused adjustment when it comes to winter. And, if I’m honest with myself, it probably will not be last. I know my history with these types of commitments, but I did begin to examine my heart with other commitments. Ones that have remained as well as areas where I have failed. Especially those that God has asked me to make. And I noticed how quickly (and expertly, in my humble opinon) I can begin to make excuses.
But, God?? and then the inner dialogue begins. The excuse of “I would/I want to but I’m just not able because ___________.” The ways to fill in the blank are endless. There was a lame man in John 5 who waited by a pool. He was waiting for the waters to move and, then, to be the first in the water in order to be healed. When Jesus asked if he wanted to be healed, he replied, “I do, but _______” and then the excuses. I am not criticizing the man. No doubt, I would have done the same. Pointing out the “obvious” reasons why I was just not able. But this man was talking to Jesus. But God! If he had only recognized the difference that makes.
I’m also reminded of Moses. God gave him a large, if not overwhelming task. To return the Pharoah he had run from and ask, no demand, that the children of Israel be set free and allowed to leave. I’m not sure how much Moses even wanted to commit to this task but he certainly had plenty of excuses. From the very beginning, Moses was convinced “it won’t work with me/through me.” Moses had all the reasons that disqualified him from the task before him. And I am just as adept as making similar lists. But God! Whatever God asks me to do. Asks me to change. Wherever He might ask me to go. Or whatever commitment He might ask me to make…He will enable me to do so. Regardless of my abilities/talents or lack thereof. That truth is so powerful. I hope you will let in sink in today.
My thoughts need to be much more of But God!! instead of But, God?? What a difference that would make in those running dialogues in my head. And with my commitments in general. Even in my attitude with this least favorite season of mine!
Enjoyed reading this and am thankful, once again, for your wisdom. But God! instead of But, God? – so poignant and a great reminder for me this Monday morning. Have a great, slightly warmer than many days in January (hopefully!) day!
Oh, my friend! Thank you so much for reminding me about BUT GOD. He totally changes perspectives when we don’t put the question mark after His name and fill in with excuses! Have a wonderful week, my friend.
Thank you for sharing this reminder. It reminds me of something I’ve heard (and I don’t remember from or where or when). If God calls you to it, He will bring you through it! He didn’t send Moses by himself, God was there too. Excellent words you gave us. Thank you again.
Yes, with God all things are possible (that are in HIS will). Glad you had an enjoyable breakfast out. Have a great day!!
‘But’ is such a small word that can have huge meanings! Sometimes it’s very easy to find an excuse not to do something.
Good luck with your eating regime – I think you must have a lot more will power than I do!
Hi Jennifer. I love breakfast foods, especially if I don’t have to make it since I’m not a morning person. I love to cook, just not early in the day. I guess I’m more of a brunch person. We plan to go out for brunch on Saturday, and I’m very much looking forward to it! I agree with what Cathy said. If God calls us to do something, he will guide us and bring us through it we just have to trust him. I do intermittent fasting most days by not eating after 7 pm until around 11 am the following day. I know you will do well with intermittent fasting. Have a great rest of the week! And yes, it’s also warmer here in NC, and I’m so thankful.
A few weeks ago I finished reading a book titled: But God, a Study of the Life of Joseph (Old Testament Joseph) by Dr. Robert Jeffress. It really blessed me.
Oh, your words are perfect for this time in my life. Yes, the Spirit is moving! Thank you!
Thank you for reminding me to be less ‘but’ and more ‘yes’ to what God is saying to me.