Share Your Thoughts –

After my breakfast this morning with some girlfriends, I just was not ready to “call it a day” and head home:) so I headed over to Ikea. Do you have an Ikea home store in your area? and, if so, isn’t it the best for simply wandering and looking for ideas?? For a store that is totally contemporary – and I am not really at all contemporary when it comes to decorating – there is a lot of great inspiration in that store. I just like roaming through each department…sometimes that’s because I’m completely turned around and cannot find the exit, but – oh well. Where else do you for inspiring home ideas??

I also have another question – this one that I have been mulling over since Bible study yesterday. We had quite a good discussion around the question “what do you believe most hinders Christians today from a more intimate relationship with Christ??” No doubt, we all long for that deep relationship with our Savior – to really know the heart of God and to be a “man after God’s own heart”……I know I do. Satan has so many tricks up his sleeve but what do you think is the most effective deterrent to that closeness we so desire?

I would love to hear your thoughts. And I will share mine tomorrow. I teach my sweet crusaders tonight at church and need to make sure I’m prepared. Happy Wednesday, friends.

8 thoughts on “Share Your Thoughts –

  1. Your comments are such a blessing to me and I cherish and appreciate them.
    I love this question..speaking for myself, busyness keeps me from that spiritualy intimacy that I long for. It takes "being still" and listening to and for the voice of God, and that it is difficult for me. It takes diligence and self discipline and commitment. Areas I could use improvement in!

    But as with anything that is worth pursing, truly the Lord is worthy of giving our all to. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and the thoughts of others. What a great discussion!

    Your blog looks great!!

  2. Hi Jenn,
    I think it is busyness and sometimes it can be unforgiveness towards someone. These are things we all stuggle with at times, but it is worth struggling thru to find that time for the Lord, cause he has so much he wants to teach us and do for us and thru us, but we have to have ears to hear, and that takes some quiet time.
    That was a very very good question,look forward to seeing your post tomorrow.

    Have a great evening

  3. I think my answer is the same as the other ladies. It is definitely time. If I am "too" busy with no time to think and be still before Him, is when my relationship with Him is most hindered. Just soo not worth it in the long run. I do have to be disciplined.

    To answer your other question, I look through magazines or fun little crafty type stores. I do not change things up much anymore though, but I LOVE to browse through that store and look at all the goodies. Always soo fun.

  4. What a question. I think for me so many things get in my way and keep me busy that finding time to spend with my Lord is always a rushed experience. Definitely not the way it should be!

    You're making me think how I need to better spend my time.

  5. I love going to IKEA! There are so many things to look at, and the children love going in the kiddie-ball play area!

    I agree with the other women, that time is the reason for Christians not having a closer relationship with Christ.

    Hope you're having a good day, and that breakfast was great!

  6. Hi Jen! Sorry it's been a while since I commented on here. I just haven't had time for the computer lately! Since my class is over though, I think I'll have more time to blog and stuff.

    To answer your question, of course busyness is HUGE in my life. I don't even know how I'd cope without it!

    Another thing is that while doing the Beth Moore study I realized that something for me that is quite hard is believing God and trusting him. I pray about something but then I end up doing whatever it was I was praying about on my OWN. I will do my devotions in the morning and then just pick right up with me doing everything and it being a me-me-me day. Does that make sense? I just am not sure I believe God and trust him to take care of ALL of my needs, ya know? Especially finances! Ah! I've always been SO super self-sufficient so this is a difficult one for me. I really want to do the Beth Moore study called, "Believing God." I've heard it's great!

    Love ya! Working on my blog now!


  7. I personally think it is the busyness in our everyday lives. Some of that comes from the materialistic mindset that is very present in our society.
    We need to be still more and know God.

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