Is My Service A Hinderance??

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts yesterday regarding Satan’s tactics to interfer with our closeness to the Savior. I love to read everyone’s thoughts – for several reasons actually but I am especially encouraged to know that so many women struggle with the same things – its not just me:)…and yet they are committed to continue seeking Him. So many of your blogs are such a blessing of encouragement to me.

We can certainly keep ourselves busy – that was a common thought – and the struggle can be very real to find…or create..that quiet time to simply be still and hear from Him – and to draw near to Him. I mentioned that a bit in my daybook on Monday. However, I also, think that a real hindrance for many women is our service, or more specifically our Christian service. Hear me out.

We want to do our best for the Lord. We are involved – and busy. There are Bible studies to attend, or even facilitate. Choir practice. Sunday school classes to teach. Hand bell choirs. Visitation programs. And ladies’ programs. The list goes on and on and we are eager to do all that we can. And all of those things are good – and even right. But I think we can began to focus more on our service…and getting it all done…than on the one we truly want “to serve.” Then we become “check box” Christians. (You know…choir practice – check. Visitation – check.) We check off all that we need to do for the Lord during the week, and yet still feel so hungry for Him at the end of the week.

I’m not suggesting at all that we need to stop doing any of those things. I am very grateful for all the opportunities of service and ministry that are available and I feel privileged to be a part of them. I simply have to guard that I don’t allow those times to substitute for my “quality time” with Christ. Those purposeful times of quiet where I come aside, am still, and can draw close to my Heavenly Father. Satan’s tricky, for sure. It needs to be a real matter of prayer and seeking God’s guidance to know exactly what to do, how much to do, and how to get it all done.

Have a beautiful weekend, friends.

9 thoughts on “Is My Service A Hinderance??

  1. I couldn't agree more! It's so easy to get busy "doing" that we don't have time for "being still" and listening.

    Have a good weekend.

  2. I agree. We can get caught up in "doing" and not take care of ourselves. I have found that I just need to know when to say NO and not get so stretched out. My own family needs me and I need time to myself, as well. I have learned that I can't do it all and I don't feel guilty anymore. Have a great weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

  3. I just couldn't agree more and I know just what you are talking about. It is EASY to trade busyness for the Lord for time with the Lord and it just isn't the same. I am guilty of this alot I am afriad. The older I've gotten, the more I try not to fall into this pattern. Thanks for bringing all of this up for discussion. It was good. Have a wonderful week-end. Hugs, Deb

  4. Morning Jennifer,
    Great Post! Couldn't have said it better myself.
    I heard someone say somewhere along in my christian walk "that we need to come apart with God, so we don't come apart!! I believe that could not be a truer statement.
    I used to think that if I didn't want to do something I had to have a reason, but I have learned that I don't need a reason, if I feel it is too much for me cause I already have a full plate then I probably need to say No. I have also learned to just say Let me pray about and think about it and then I will get back to you. The Lord has been showing me in the last few years that the things I sometimes think he wants me to do are not what he wants me to do.
    For instance, someone ask me to mentor their 13 yr. old daughter,
    that I didn't know, she attended a christian school very near my home and I could just run up and get her and then her Mom was to come get her after we were done. At that time I was having lots of physical issues and was looking for ways to serve the Lord from my home…well, hubby and I talked about it and prayed about it and we both thought it was a go, and I was all excited. The a few days before we were to start during my quiet time I thought the Lord was telling me to call and say No, I couldn't do it…. and at first I thought this can't be the Lord,
    but yet it persisted and I finally really believed it was the Lord,
    so I called and the Mom wasn't home but I left a message and told her what I thought the Lord said.
    Later that evening she called back
    and said I think I might know why, and she told me she has run into an old friend that had a long history with her daughter, and she said oh, I don't know why I didn't think of you for mentoring my daughter and the woman said oh, and I would love to do it too. So see, just because something makes sense to us doesn't always mean it is what He has for us. and over the last years I have had a number of those type experiences and it has taught me not to say yes or no to anything until I have really spent some time seeking the Lord's heart about it. I am convinced we load ourselves up with much more than God ever intended for us.
    Better hush, before I write a novel here!! lo.
    Great post hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. This is the very thing the Lord is dealing with my heart about! Recently I learned a valuable lesson.. I have sang in the church choir for years. Practice every Sunday night, ready for Sunday morning to do service for the Lord…On a recent, busy Sunday morning, a small girl from my Sunday School class wanted me to walk her to her mom after class. I rushed around church trying to find her mom, breathlessly answered a few quick "hellos" and rushed into the choir room late and flustered. It hit me that I was ignoring some important service opportunities to rush in the choir for something that is not my gift. If I could not even give a genuine "Hello" to my church family, I was too busy. I spoke with the director and am taking a leave of absence to get my priorities in order. I'm learning to seek God for what He wants me to do and what He has gifted me to do. I love reading about it being ok to say no and to ask for time to pray. I too..cannot do it all! Thanks so much for bringing this topic up. I have been blessed by it.

  6. Hey Jennifer,

    Thanks for sharing about mentoring on my blog. Sounds like you had an amazing woman who poured her life into you!

    Now, it sounds like you are doing the same thing – by your life, your blog, your mothering, etc…

    Lately, I've been challenged to ask God to give me a few women to disciple – to life on life impact for Him. After praying, (within just a few days) I have had three women just pop up and ask to be discipled. Pretty amazing!

    Praying God will bless you and use you greatly.

    Thanks for your encouragement to spend time alone with God and to carefully pray through our service and our busy schedules!

    Blessings to you,

  7. I love it when you stop by my blog… because then I come over here, which is such a nice place to be! And this post… it's just strange, because we are on the same wavelength right now. I'm reading a book called "Growing Weary Doing Good"
    and it addresses these issues in a thoughtful and God-filled way. It's just funny how, when something is on my heart, God leads me straight to others who have the same thoughts and struggles. He's pretty cool that way, isn't He?
    Gotta get to bed, but I just had to stop by before the "busyness" kept me away even longer.

  8. Hi Jennifer,
    Isn't it exciting that spring is almost here. It feels like spring today outside, looks like winter, but is a nice temp and overcast.
    Just came in from working in the yard, so much dead stuff to cut back, but I got about the same amount accomplished as yesterday,
    so if I can just keep this up all week, maybe I will actually finish. We are suppose to start having rain today and the rest of the week, so that might slow me down a bit. Hope not tho!!
    Thanks for coming by and thanks so much for your prayers for my friend and her family. The funeral will be Friday evening.
    If you want to send me your email
    address or phone #, then I can send you my address and I will get the card to her. It would probably be good to hear from someone who has been thru this! Look on my sidebar where it says contact me.. and you can send an email there. Don't want to put
    my address out there for just anyone tho.
    I just read debbies comment and realized I was putting a comment on the wrong post, don't know how I managed that!! lol, but it is too long to delete, so I will just go up to todays post and leave you a message there, so hopefully you
    will see this one.
    Have a good day,

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