Just two weeks ago, we were right in the middle of our annual missions conference at church. Always a highlight for our church, as well as for me personally. It is no secret – I love missions – and missionaries. Our speaker for the week was Bradley Edmonson, missionary with Medical Missions Outreach. This group organizes almost a dozen trips each year to underdeveloped countries around the world – offering healthcare as well as the gospel and plan of salvation to literally thousands of patients. All types of medical professionals, those with absolutely no medical training and anyone in between can be used to make these trips possible. (The page on the link to their website includes a photo of a dentist and her husband assistant – from my church. Just a fun fact.)
Bradley shared many stories of top doctors, and others, giving their time, their expertise and their talent simply to aid others. With no expectation of anything in return. I think that is a very accurate picture of sharing. With this on my heart, these are my five-minute thoughts on today’s prompt: SHARE.
GO – Although most of us recognize sharing as good, even admirable, it is one character trait that does not come naturally. Go into any preschool – even nursery – and the need to teach sharing is already quite obvious:) Selfishness is easily seen in a toddler. However, even though we, as adults, can disguise it and even justify it, selfishness continues long past elementary school. So we need to continually fight against it. Looking for opportunities and ways to share. To give unselfishly. We need to share our time. Our talents and our treasures.
Each of us has a different amount of money – or treasure. We also have differing amounts of time, energy, abilities and talents. But whatever we have been given is ours to share. We are expected to be good stewards – and to use wisely – all of these things (time, talent and treasure). Doing so, helps us die to self, gives us a right perspective of money and “sets our affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Learning to share – to be unselfish – gives us a heart that not only pleases God but honors Him.
Thank you for stopping by my blog this week! This post is convicting to me in this long season of caregiving for my m-i-l. I keep wanting "my" time back. But it's His, and this is how He wants us to use our resources now, in love.