THANKFUL THURSDAY….and such a wonderful answer to prayer! I have been praying that my daughter could get a new job and get away from the childcare work. She loves working with the little ones and has enjoyed her chances to work in a couple different preschools, but for a variety of reasons, her dad and I really felt something totally different would be great for her. Of course, we all know entry level jobs in a new career don’t just come along every day – especially since she has not been able to finish getting a degree. So, we prayed…and, yes!, God provided.
She was hired last week as a flight attendant!! Her dad and I are, yes, very proud of her, and also so excited for all the possibilities that lie ahead for her! Oh, and did I mention that there are family perks?? Her husband – AND her parents – can fly for free!! Oh yeah.
I really saw God’s leading these past few weeks – opening and closing all the right doors that led to this opportunity. And, today, I want to thank Him. I love you, sweetheart!
Wonderful news!
That's terrific, Jennifer!
My eldest wanted to be a flight attendant for awhile but became a Medical Assistant instead?! Go figure! Now she is a SAHM with two little cuties!
I will be 'leaving on a jet plane' next week to fly to NY to visit my youngest daughter for her birthday!
I am excited to see her but I get so very nervous about flying! Flight attendant wouldn't be at the top of my list for jobs!
But what a wonderful opportunity for your daughter!
So, now where are ya'll planning to go?! ;~D
Congratulations to Miss Emily! Hope it all goes great and that she enjoys her new job. 🙂
Just popped over. God blesses! Congrats to your daughter on her job.
Hop on over sometime.
Awesome news, Jennifer…wishing your daughter all the best!
Hi Jennifer,
So glad for your daughters new job.
Sounds very exciting. At one time in my life I wanted to be a stewardess. Came from flying back and forth between my parents as a kid from a divorced home. I met my hubby and decided I would much rather be with him, and have never regretted that decision.
That is so great you all get to fly for free, and so nice it was
the Lords leading. Doesn't get any better than that!!
Blessings hon, Nellie
Thanks for coming by to see me too.
That is wonderful news. I always wished that I had tried to be a flight attendant. If I were you, I would sure fly as much as I could. Won't that be great? I know you are so proud of her. Love & blessings from NC!
wow, congrats to her on the new job! how exciting!