Some of My Favorite Things in Spring

THANKFUL THURSDAY….a list of some of the simple things in life that make my heart happy –

** tall glasses of (unsweetened) iced tea
** enjoying dinner outside – no bugs and we recently got a new patio set:)
** spending the day with my brother…just the two of us..and listening to his “you remember that, right?”
He is a great story teller!!
** strawberries, blueberries, raspberries….yea – berries!
** a text message from a friend I haven’t seen in months
** new neighbors that are really friendly and nice to live next door to
** Hubbie’s “just to say hi” phone calls during the day
** having my devotion time the morning sun and fresh sweet air
** sleeping with the window open
** the fun new scents for summer at Bath and Body Works
** flowering dogwoods, forsythia, cherry trees, Bradford pears and the Judas trees
** watching Hubbie work so hard in the yard – still so studly:)
** a crusaders’ Bible lesson on SPIDERS! 🙂
and, no, spiders between mentioned in the Bible and Spiderman have nothing in common!! 🙂
** evenings so clear you can see all the stars and even a few planets – cool
** ending the day with Hubbie…outside of Starbucks…with a cinnamon dolce latte!

7 thoughts on “Some of My Favorite Things in Spring

  1. I love your list. I think I might have to come up with one of my own even thought this was Mom's favorite time of the year so I am having a hard time with spring right now. It is a great time of the year.

  2. Oh I loved your list…You have inspired me I think. I was going to skip this week, (I have had an usual amount of posts this weeks for me, haha) but I am going to get together a list like yours. I am also going to pop by Bath and Body works and see their new scents…I'm needing some. Have a wonderful day Jennifer…hugs..

  3. Hi Jenn,
    Love your list of sweet and simple things. I love a lot of those same things. Spring is just such a wonderful delight to me, everyday it is some new flower or leaves or something. I just love it!!
    Have a great day tomorrow.
    Blessings hon,

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