It is December. Advent has begun. The Christmas season is officially in full swing. (For many, the stress is as well.) I’m looking forward to these holiday weeks too. But, before I completely forget Thanksgiving, a quick look back at last week’s holiday…which not only was special but is also one of my favorites. So, my Thanksgiving recap. Little letters style:)
Dear pilgrims – thank you for your resolve. Your dedication and fortitude. Thank you for the sacrifices you made to birth our country…a place where you could worship freely. Raise your families and create homes without fear of persecution and according to your Biblical beliefs. I am so grateful you came and that you stayed.
Dear President Lincoln – thank you for declaring a national day of Thanksgiving in 1863. Our country was still in the middle of the Civil War. It was a difficult time – to say the least. But thanksgiving is not only possible but is right and is helpful even in the difficult times. On the hard days. In the lean times and even in the days when our hearts are grieving.
Dear Thanksgiving calories – you were delicious. You never cease to fail in all of our holiday favorites. However, please do not stick around. Do not make yourself comfortable – especially on my hips! Please and thank you.
Dear surviving turkeys – you can thank us. Please do. We had a delicious meal – really delicious – and not a hint of turkey anywhere. It is possible (just sayin).
Dear horse owners (who were trying to enjoy the same park where we went for a Thanksgiving hike) – please forgive our wildly enthusiastic/somewhat crazed dogs…who apparently mistook you for an otherworld alien! Apparently, they have not seen too many horses in their lifetime. Even we were completely caught unprepared by their frenzy. Embarrassing? Indeed. I hope your beautiful mares were not insulted.
Dear professional cookie decorators – I applaud you. You make those sugar cookie creations look so beautiful. And simple. But we can attest that – even with samples to try and recreate – it is not as easy as it looks. Our cookie decorating was fun, for sure, but our decorating skills are, without question, preschool level.
Dear Black Friday shoppers – I do not understand you. Not one bit. But I admire your enthusiasm and your dedication to your game!
Dear mall fighters – seriously, is there no shame. As if starting a brawl is not enough, you girls even “rent your clothes” as if throwing punches was better done without shirts!?! (sad, but true and witnessed event….not by me but a family member. We warned you not to go.)
Dear church family – you are one of our greatest blessings this year. Thank you for embracing us, loving us and all that you have done for us as we have become “one of the family” over these last months. The Praise Prayer Pie service last week was the perfect beginning to our Thanksgiving feasting! We love each of you!
Dear family – our holidays are always a bit “non-traditional” and never exactly “just right” with just four of us here. But God continues to give grace. Continues to meet us where we are and to supply our needs – especially the needs of our hearts during the holidays. Thanks for suggesting the hike. Thanks for going at “mom pace” and even agreeing to my (one too many) photo requests. I know those are your favorites!:) I love all of you more than know!
Dear Tyler – we miss you. What else can I say? The holidays are not the same. Every regular ordinary day is not the same. We are not the same. We keep pressing on….and look forward to that grand reunion in the skies one day! We love you, Buddy!!