Skipping an intro today…and jumping right into my second “installment” of a three things list! Nothing deep (although I do have several posts – with actual thoughts and even a bit of opinion – stirring in my brain) but, for today, just a break in the middle of the week. Mainly to connect with and say hello to all my internet friends! Happy Wednesday…..and let me know what you are loving right now!
Three things that make a lot of sense to me
1. Making the bed every morning. How can you function, if you don’t??
2. Replacing as many “one-time use” items as possible throughout my home
3. Preparing for the future. This one is new to me – one I have resisted, but one that is making more and more sense
Three things that do not make sense to me (don’t shoot me here)
1. Wearing a mask in your car….when you are alone in your own car
2. Our national budget (if you can call it that), spending and debt
3. When someone says, “I love to go to the gym!”
Three things I’d like to explore
1. Creating things on Canva (still working on this)
2. Leading a Bible study in my home. A small one:)
3. Growing a vegetable (or two) in containers on our deck.
Three things I have no interest in
1. Sports
2. Hollywood/Pop culture – and Johnny Depp
3. Facebook
Three things I have more than enough of but always want to buy
1. Pitchers
2. Doilies
3. Cardigans
Three things I am always in search of
1. The next thing I need to update/refresh my house: paint, light fixture, rugs, curtains – you get the idea
2. A really good hairstylist (and a great haircut two times in a row)
3. A magic diet (that does not require exercise – please let me know if this exists!)
Things I’ve recently checked off of my To-Do list
1. Paint outdoor light fixtures (they look sooo much better!)
2. A girls’ getaway! Still working on getting a recap and some Waco pictures posted
3. Dentist appointment
Things I have had on my To-Do list forever
1. Lose 35 pounds
2. Learn to play the clarinet (I think this one is about to be laid to rest)
3. Replace family room curtains and blinds (who still has vertical blinds!!?)
Three things I’m loving right now
1. Early morning sunshine that streams through the window above our bed. Actually – just early mornings:)
2. The robins who built a nest in the bush on our patio. They have been so busy…and diligent
3. Being outside. Summer heat is just around the corner…soaking in all the outdoor time while I can
Three things I’m hating right now
1. Our never-ending highway construction. And, of course, the traffic. Might as well add, the price of gas. Ugh
2. Admitting there is no magic diet – and I need to exercise. Double ugh
3. Dogs shedding their winter coats. So much dog hair!!
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Wow, so many things to think about here. Not sure I can hit them all. I do still have vertical blinds on our sliding glass doors leading out to the back porch/deck, and also on our front picture window. They both get bright sunshine, one faces east and the other west, and we need those blinds to block the heat/bright sun during the day. I hate to close them, but if we don’t our AC runs like crazy. Oh, I love that you have a Robin’s nest where you can watch it. You will love seeing all that action. Magic diet? Is there one? I’d like to know about it. And the exercise part…well, the only exercise I get is walking. We try to take a walk at least once a day, either early morning or evening after supper. Again, to avoid the heat. Yeah, that price of gas is a killer right now, along with most everything else that is going up up up. Making the bed every day…My mother made me do it and so now it is engrained in my brain. But she gave me an extra nickel with my lunch money if I made my bed so I could buy an ice cream bar after lunch. No one gives me any incentives now, but still, I hate to crawl into a bed that hasn’t been made. Plus, our bedroom opens up right onto our living room, so unless we want to keep the door closed all the time, we have to make the bed! That’s a good incentive. Okay, this was great. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed all of your answers. Have a great week.
Fun post, Jennifer! I agree with a lot of what you said/ like, dislike, etc. Regarding losing weight with little or no exercise, I would say keto is pretty good for. With keto, you lose energy since carb consumption is so low. Keto has been proven to work even without exercise but who can live a long (or I should say enjoyable) time without carbs?! Not me! Have you heard of the Sirtfood Diet? It has an interesting premise- it basically says it unlocks the “skinny gene” that some people seem to have.
Oh I completely agree with making your bed; and I just don’t get how my husband does see the logic in that. I really don’t get masking in a car alone either; however, after helping my son with his economics class this year I do have a better understanding of the budget/ deficit thing and why a government really should not run like a household budget and be forced to balance each year (though we did agree they should have to balance every 5 years or so!). I hate exercising and don’t get those gym people either.
Thanks, Joanne. Glad to see I’m not the only one on several of those:)