Three Words to Help with my To-Do List

Last week, I watched not one –  but two! -webinars!  For many (most) of you, that is not big news.  But for this technologically deficient lady…it was impressive.  To log on with over 4000 other viewers – from literally all over the world – and have someone share with me (from the comfort of their own couch) was, for me, totally cool!!:)  After I got over the awe of it all, there was so much good information!

Monday night’s webinar was with Crystal Paine – she blogs at Money Saving Mom.  I took so much away from all she shared, including this quote “Live frugally in order to give generously.”  Why didn’t I come up with that!!?!  It not only inspired me but really expresses my heart.  However what I wanted to mention most today was a phrase she used for reaching your goals:  FOCUS AND FINISH.

I realize the phrase is not original and probably not new to many but I think those three words have rumbled through my thoughts at least ten times every single day since she shared them.  I don’t consider myself overscheduled or even “too busy” – which I know makes me a bit of the odd one out – but I do have a “to-do” list (whether mental or written) and things I hope to accomplish each day and through the week.  Several of these things are specific tasks I believe the Holy Spirit has placed on my heart to be done.  However, even with enough time planned on my agenda, it is surprising, and often discouraging, just how much does not get finished and is carried over to the next (or the day after that!)

No doubt, simple procrastination can always be a problem.  But, often it is all the distractions.  The internet.  The cell phone.  Any and all types of media.  Interruptions.  The cell phone.  Oh, right.  Distractions are constant and endless.  If I am not careful, they will interrupt my devotions first thing in the morning and just follow me all day.  I tend to guard my quiet time carefully and set aside all possible distractions the best I can.  And I’m realizing I need more of this purposeful focused time throughout the day.

Set aside 30 minutes that will be focused and free of distractions and see a task finished.  I try to “schedule” as many of these focused blocks of time as the day will allow.  If a task takes more than 30 minutes, break it into smaller bites and finish one part each day.  Its only been a week since I started becoming aware how easily I lose my focus, and that I’ve been committing to “focus and finish” for blocks at a time – and things really are being finished.  Taming the distractions, staying focused in order to finish is another way to help me be a wise steward of the time I have each day.

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