A Few January Goals

Well, we are almost one week into the new year.  How are your resolutions going?  Feeling good…or rather accomplished?  Or already thinking of throwing in the towel….calling it a good try, at least?  Yes, I’m somewhat joking – mainly to avoid the debate as to whether resolutions are good guides or goals or just a way to set us up for defeat.  Everyone seems to have an opinion.  Often, a strong opinion.  Taking resolutions out of the conversation, I do think goals are a good idea.  Our pastor used one of his favorite quotes (at least, a favorite this time of year) on Sunday:  Failing to plan is a plan to fail.  And, there is quite a bit of truth in that.  Actually, I think I just really enjoy planning.  Setting goals is very much planning….so, I’m all in!

That said, getting some goals for this month down in writing will keep me on track.  Or, hopefully, in check.  At least, in theory.  If these sound too much like resolutions and you aren’t interested, that’s okay.  This post might be just for my reference.  Of course, there is the chance you might “get inspired” and set a similar goal for yourself.  If so, let me know.  You can help keep me accountable.

So….some goals for January (and potentially each month thereafter creating a goal for the year but, baby steps)

  • begin each day and end each in the Word.  I have a Bible reading plan that includes an OT passage and a NT one.  I plan to split those up and read one part in the morning and one part before bed.  The plan will take me through the Bible in a year but that is not really the goal.  I just like the designated passages that easily divide into two session.
  • no more “screens” before bed.  The first goal will help with this one but reading before bed is also okay.  I really need to break the YouTube just before lights out habit.
  • read one book.  Can you tell these goals are building on each other?  I am not a reader but, hopefully, reading more (at night) will help with goal number two and squashing the YT habit.  That habit really is annoying.
  • do my exercise video/workout 3 times a week.  It may not sound like much to many but, trust me, its a big one for me.  Sigh.
  • blog 3 times a week and stick to my schedule
  • take at least three photos a week – which may or may not (probably not) be used in a blog post but, at least, be looking for photos
  • get outside every day.  Confession:  I am already struggling with this one.  But, if I write it here then it’s serious:)

I could probably continue but I think this is enough to get me started.  If I follow through with each of these, I will be thrilled.  And, I think I will have set the stage for a “better” year ahead.  I will have say that I have “a goal” to work through some of the “technical” issues of blogging -and, lately, I have had several.  The other day, everything on my sidebar completely disappeared.  Gone.  But why?  And, yesterday, for some reason, comments from readers stopped appearing here on my blog.  I would receive an email notification of a new comment but it never showed up, which meant I could not comment, which made it look as if I was ignoring my friends.  Sigh.  I am working on it.  Thanks for your patience!!  Have a great weekend!

10 thoughts on “A Few January Goals

  1. I feel like most of my blog posts are for reference posts for me. lol. But, you have actually achieved more than writing a reference guide to yourself ;). I like your idea of reading the Bible two times in the day- in the morning and the evening. I am following a plan so it will be pretty easy to read some passages in the morning and save some for later. I really want to accomplish this! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hope you have a great weekend as well. Truthfully, I’m finding reading scripture at night more of a challenge than I imagined. My brain so does not work well at night. I read….but really have little idea what I just said. Sigh. I will persevere! Happy weekend to you as well!

  2. I chose not to be official about resolutions this year. It feels so momentous to make them that it increases the pressure to succeed. I guess what I mean is, there has to be a better way to motivate oneself. Anyway, I agree with the screens before bed. We used to leave cell phones downstairs but then decided it’s better to have them in the bedroom in case there’s any kind of emergency but then, my husband and I both check Facebook right before bed and I can’t help but feel its just not good.

    1. We used to leave our cellphones downstairs but started bringing them with us…for the same reason. Definitely makes “saying no to the phone” more of a challenge – lol!!

  3. I read through the Bible last year chronologically. I really enjoyed that. This year I plan to mostly stay in the NT. Right now I’ve committed to reading through the 4 Gospels along with Annie F. Downs Podcast “Let’s Read the Gospels. I’m enjoying it so far. I’m also trying to get back to walking again. I’m starting with about a 20 minute walk at least 3-4 times a week. We’ll see how it goes. lol No screens(except Kindle) before bedtime would be good for me too. I wish you well on your goals.

  4. I think those are great goals! I have similar ones for this time of year but really struggle with getting outside each day; especially when it’s rainy or icy or snowy. I did, however, manage to work out 4 times this week and squeezed in a hike so yay for me! I am an avid reader and just started books #7 & 8 for the month (I typically read a few books at one time). Best of luck achieving your goals this month.

  5. I think most people could argue with a piece of cardboard, to tell the truth 🙂 So if you say you love resolutions, there will be someone that argues with that thought!
    We’ve all become experts at giving our opinions, haven’t we?

    All that to say…we should always have things we are trying to improve in our lives. Some call them resolutions and some call them goals. Some of us follow through and then some, like me, crater on the 3rd day 🙂 And I already know that about myself, so I go easy on the goals 🙂

    I think your goals are very worthy 🙂 I wish you so much better luck than my face-washing routine had 🙂

  6. Oh Jennifer, I so feel your goals!! I wish you lived near me, we could walk together and get outside daily! That one is hard and not one I have tried yet this year (except one walk). I also need to work out at least 3 times a week…sigh, it hasn’t happened yet. I love to read and that is what I do before bed. I would love to blog on my family blog at least 3 times a week (or more regularly) on my family blog. That was a goal last year that I completely failed at.

    1. Oh it would be nice to have a walking buddy close by – someone to help me/keep me accountable with getting outside!! Here’s to regular blogging in 2023!:)

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