A Little Letters Look at March 2021

Another month drawing to a close.  On Friday, I posted a few of my thoughts from looking back at this month but it occurred to me I have not done “a little letters” look back at a month in quite a while.  Little did I realize the last one was in July last year.  Goodness.  March has been full of days that felt, well, rather normal.  Normal, even ordinary, days are what I do best and they do my soul well!!  There were plenty of small things – and some bigger ones, too – these past couple of weeks that simply blessed my heart (as my southern friends would say)!  A little look back would be appropriate right about now, I do believe.

Dear Bradford Pears.  Please keep doing your thing!  Be as showy and ostentatious as you possibly can!  You are my favorites and you are in full bloom even today.  Winter completely drains my soul (as in completely!) but – just like that!! – you have refueled me and recharged me!!  I do love all your “friends” – the Redbuds, the Tulip trees, the Forsythia, and Dogwoods – really, I do.  They are beautiful but make no make mistake…you are the loveliest of them all!!

Dear planner. You really are a lovely desk accessory.  You were a gift and you look lovely but, to be brutally honest, I have not opened you once.  And I don’t know if I will.  I am making – and holding – plans very loosely this year.  I thought it would be much more of a challenge for the OCD planner part of me, but it, surprisingly, feels great.  I really do not miss our attachment at all.  So sorry.

Dearest Uncle and Susan. I cannot tell you how much your trip to visit with us meant to me!!  I was blessed more than I even imagined…or that I could express.  I know it was added expense and a bit of a detour…but thank you.  I will do all that I can to make sure it is not “years and years” before we spend the nicest of afternoons together again!!  I miss you both already!

Dear grass.  Please turn green.  I had expected more from you by now.  We have even treated you to that (rather pricey) premium lawn service with all the seasonal fertilizers.  You really need to look like a golf course soon.  Just sayin.

Dear Tori (my hairdresser).  I just have one question.  Why is it so very hard to get a great haircut three times in a row?  The answer to this has escaped me for years.  I find a new stylist and get an amazing haircut.  I return and request “exactly what you did last time” and get a “pretty good” haircut.  But that is about as far as it goes.  The third haircut always seems to be a (major) disappointment.  This month was just another proof of such dilemma…and March has not been my best hair month.  I’m running out of options near me.  Ugh.

Dear cherry blossoms.  You are as stunning as ever!!  I often moan that I do not live in the prettiest of places in our country…oh but cherry blossoms you sure do your best to bring some beauty!  WOW!

Dear Junior Church kiddos.  You will never know what a joy you are to me!  What a blessing you are to my heart each and every Sunday morning.  I so enjoy preparing for our class and then I love the time we have learning Bible lessons, making crafts, learning programs for the “big church” and playing games.  You keep me on my toes and keep a smile on my heart!!

Dear Pastor.  Thank you for prayerfully and thoughtfully bringing back fellowships and Bible studies.  Thank you for all that you have done these past months (long months) and that you continue to do in order to meet all the needs of our church family.  Last night’s fellowship was a delight.  And felt so normal – hooray!!

Dear sugar.  Goodbye.  I officially wrote you off this month and it was much easier than I imagined.  I look forward to life sugar-free!!  There are have changes – not as many as I had expected – but I feel confident they will continue and regardless of the outward changes, I am fine with a healthier me on the inside!

Dear News.  You are not my friend.  This is an exact repeat from July last year.  I believe “I cut you off” back then and I meant it.  You have gone from bad to worse.  Just sayin.

Dear food pantry (and all those who give so much of their time there).  You have been fun these past months.  I so missed my volunteer work at the assisted living (and still miss my friends there) but you have given me another opportunity to use my time serving others.  Some of you work long hours…all as volunteers.  I admire you and I am grateful for all that is being accomplished in our community.  I know we have met the needs of many.

Dear Peppermint Bark Tea.  You might make me give up coffee altogether.  Such goodness in a mug!  I know you are a winter (maybe even a Christmas) flavor but as long as Amazon does me right, I will drink you all year long!!

Dear Jordan.  I am so excited about your exciting news this month.  Today, actually!  I am proud of you and so excited to see how this next adventure turns out!!  You are pretty cool:)

Dear March wind.  Feel free to tone down a bit.  You have been a doozy lately but go out like a lamb, as you should.  We have been blown all over the place lately.  Enough is enough.

Dear breakfast buddies.  Yes, there are two of you.  I have two “standing” breakfast dates with two different friends.  Both of them so special.  Both mornings are so encouraging, enjoyable and a highlight of each month.  I love any chance I have to catch up with a friend over a meal or even a coffee…but there is something so nice about a regularly scheduled one, isn’t there?  I love the routine.  I love how it both – blesses my heart and helps life feel normal.  Are you sensing a theme with this post?  I am.  And, no doubt, a good place to end.  I have, indeed, been encouraged this month of March 2021.  I am excited about the month that is ahead!!

How have you been blessed this past month??

7 thoughts on “A Little Letters Look at March 2021

  1. Bradford Pears really are some of the most beautiful trees in all of spring. Except I don’t like the way they smell. ha. And they make me sneeze. But other than that, yes, bloom on. 🙂

    I’ll give a close second prize to my cherry tree for its blossoms. The only problem with it is it feels so short-lived, and then it’s not a particularly pretty tree the remaining 50 weeks of the year. lol. But those 2 weeks in the spring are fabulous.

    Loved reading your little letter and glad you resumed it again!

    1. You are right – they do stink!! I tried to gloss over that fact – because they are just so pretty:) Cherry trees are rather delightful as well. I’m swooning:) Thanks for stopping by, Lisa!

  2. I didn’t really use my planner much last year but I’m trying to use it more this year, just because I really do enjoy it for looking back. That’s great you aren’t stressing about it though!!!

    Ugh, sorry about not getting the same great haircut over and over. It happens and it’s annoying, I agree!


  3. This was a fun post to read! What a great idea. I like the idea of a monthly wrap-up like this. Spring isn’t my favorite season, but one thing I do love about it is how all the new life gives me such a spiritual picture of the new life we have when Jesus saves us and makes us new! I love seeing COLOR out my windows these days. Now, if it would stop raining… we’ve had an abnormal amount, it seems. Have a great day, my friend!

    1. Today…we have the rain. But it is much needed here. Spring rains are nice:) Totally agree about the spiritual applications that are found throughout spring!! So glad you stopped by today!!

  4. What a heart warming post. So glad to see the word NORMAL appear several times in your little letters. Things are feeling much more normal here, too. And our wind is blowing a gust this month, but that is actually normal. Just had fertilizer put down this past week so our yard needs to get with the program, too.

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