I’m sure you have been in one of those situations where a large crowd is gathered. Everyone is
enjoying separate conversations – waiting for whatever event to begin. Someone steps to the front of the room but goes unnoticed.
After several unsuccessful attempts of “May I have your attention please,” there is some gifted whistler at the back of the room who decides to pierce the air with the loudest, ear numbing whistle. Personally, I hate those whistles (for instance..inside a gym) but…..they do get everyone’s attention! And while I may not like the piercing noise, I can appreciate how frustrating it is to be unable to get the attention of anyone. To be unheard and unnoticed.
I think what I don’t like about those whistle calls is the fact that I am unprepared. I’m not ready. Not anticipating it. Because of that, the noise is alarming, or even frightening. But that was not the case with the disciples at Pentecost.
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” Acts. 2:1-2
The disciples knew that God had promised to send the Holy Spirit, but they didn’t know exactly when or what to expect. But…they were expectant. And they were not disappointed. God sent the Spirit with a loud “sound from Heaven”! No one missed it. The sound, like a rushing mighty wind, was powerful and filled the entire house. But this sound did not irritate, annoy or even frighten. It not only brought great hope but it transformed every single person in that house.
So often I concentrate on the still small voice of God. And that is good. And wonderful. I want God to speak to me. But, I also know how easy it is to be accustomed to the incessant noise of life, and my own agenda, that surrounds me. I want to hear God’s presence. I need the rushing mighty wind to stop me. To clear my agenda and, then, to quiet me. I long to hear a sound from the Holy Spirit.
STOP – these are my quick thoughts on today’s prompt – RUSH. They feel a bit unfinished but I wanted to get them into written words. These are thoughts from my Bible reading and study this week that, I thought, went perfectly with the prompt. (Hopefully, “rushing” is not too far of a stretch from “rush.”) To read the other FMF posts,
go here. I encourage you to listen for – even anticipate – a sound from Heaven this week.
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Making time to slow down and be quiet and listen to God is so important, but I also appreciate how there are times when his voice cuts through the noise of life to get our attention and to make sure we don't miss what he is saying.
I certainly don't want to miss when He speaks! Thanks for visiting today!!
Love this! So much truth to this. I am so guilty of not listening for the still small voice.