The Day After Mother’s Day
Happy Monday morning! I had thought I would avoid the computer – particularly the “land of blogs” – today as I knew (or suspected) there were plenty of posts recapping…
Trading my ashes for beauty….that He might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3
Happy Monday morning! I had thought I would avoid the computer – particularly the “land of blogs” – today as I knew (or suspected) there were plenty of posts recapping…
Hello and happy Friday. I typically post on Thursday but the fact that I did not yesterday was not an error, an internet malfunction or simply a too-busy schedule on…
Here it is Thursday morning and I am just getting today’s post ready. I had been doing well with not only giving my posts some forethought (the closest to planning…
Welcome to the middle of our snow week! I almost said our “first snow week” for the year but here’s to hoping this is snow week – one and done!:) …