Currently: August 2020

And, just like that, it is August.  Someone on Instagram recently said, “August is summer’s Sunday.”  Ahh, I love that!  The humidity has taken its toll and everyone (and everything) seems to be a bit drained…if not a bit parched.  The pace is slower – and that is okay.  And the ice tea tastes just that much sweeter!!  I also recently saw (on Instagram!) a couple of folks celebrating that fall is almost here.  Time to start thinking about pumpkins and fall decor.  Oh my.  I am totally enjoying – and savoring – summer!!  Trying not to rush right past today’s joys.  And here is just a tiny peek into what I am enjoying/savoring lately.  Or “Currently.

CHOOSING – to live more in the moment. I know that is a bit of trendy phrase right now and I’m anything but trendy; however, there is some wisdom to that thought.  As a woman…as a mom…as a lover of all things planning – it is easy to always be looking ahead.  And there are times, and seasons of life, when that is not only wise but essential.  But I am blessed to be in a season of life where I can really relax, enjoy and appreciate “the moment” – the day, the event, and even the season (like summer)!  I’ve never been one to keep a journal, although I think that would be a great way to notice and appreciate the joy of each day.  I have, however, been trying to take more pictures.  The photos often are not worth sharing, or even saving, but I am focused on noticing the little things rather than rushing right by them.  So often, those “little things” remind me how blessed I am.

CONSUMING – lots of blueberries!  All the blueberries!  I just love those little pops of blue-hued fruit!!!  I eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And any time in between:)

ENJOYING – um, blueberries:) Also, a new haircut.  I have been chopping at my hair myself (which is never pretty) but have not had a real haircut since February…until yesterday!  Hooray.  Also enjoying walks in the evening,  Just as the sun is setting.  Fresh pedicures, the smell of cut grass (we have had a time with our HOA – grrr!) and the silly poses that our grand dogs assume in order to take a nap!  What goofs!!

ORDERING – things from Poshmark.  Are you familiar with Poshmark?  Basically an online consignment store.   I have found a couple of sellers that I like and have gotten several new things for my closet.  Things that I really like…and for great prices.  The shipping can be a bit high but you can get deals on shipping as well as the prices listed.  I know there is little difference….but I cannot/will not buy clothes from a yard sale.  Actually I am not really a yard sale kind of girl but I, for sure, would never buy clothes.  Yet, my brain has absolutely no problem with Poshmark (and the like).  Funny, now that I think about it!

REMEMBERING – my sweet Tyler.  If you follow me on Instagram, you know that this past weekend was Tyler’s Heaven birthday.  The 14-year mark of his death.  He was 13 when he died…making it longer that he has been gone than he was with us.  It was a difficult weekend.  God sustained – just as He has every day since Tyler’s death – but it was a difficult day.  My thoughts have been Tyler focused:)  I am thankful for the surety of Heaven and that Tyler was a Christian.  I know there will be a reunion one day!!

Currently….I am celebrating birthdays (there have been several lately and a few more later in the month), taking a couple day trips, looking forward to our next outdoor church service (they are special!) and continuing the fight to keep the lawn green.  Or sorta green.  It is a bit of a losing battle.  We are also anticipating a major life change in our house this month.  Can’t share details but will be very different around here.  I’m excited, sad, nervous and thrilled.  All at the same time!!

Check out the rest of the “Currently” posts here.  Always a fun monthly link-up!

17 thoughts on “Currently: August 2020

  1. I’m sure the anniversary of losing someone – especially so young – is still really though!

    I have a few birthdays coming up myself so I want to try and get those presents figured out since I pretty much just shop online these days. I don’t want to be last minute!


  2. Oh blueberries, how I love them! So glad you’ve been having lots of them.

    I’m sorry to hear about Tyler (this is my first visit to your blog), but remembering him in a good way will hopefully be a healing thing for you.

    1. I am so glad you stopped by today – and took the time to comment! So nice to meet you:) I hope you will visit again!!

  3. I never like rushing into fall either. We might get sick of the humidity of summer, but it’s such a fleeting season (in Michigan especially!) that I really try to live in the moment of it. One of the great things about writing a post like this is noticing all of those great things of the season. Like blueberries! We have picked 100 pounds of them ourselves in the last couple of weeks 🙂 Glad you shared your reflections on the moment with us this month – and thinking of you and your remembering right now.

  4. I love thrifting, but I am not a yard sale/consignment ship kind of gal for clothes or purses. The only exceptions were once I got a cloth purse that I could wash and let air dry, and I found a silk scarf that still had the tag on it. But I have no problem with second hand furniture or some household goods. It really depends on how much I think I can clean the item up. And I have sent my used purses to my neighbor’s consignment shop where they always seem to sell. (I really am a purse/shoe fanatic at times.) I don’t know if I would try Poshmark or not, as I am a little irritated that now when I purchase from Talbots, not everything is coming from the warehouse, but many of the individual stores in various states of newness. And most of all, I don’t need another source of online shopping temptation. 😉

    1. Funny – I am totally okay shopping consignment for household things and decor. Do it all the time. It is just the clothes..go figure. I can only imagine if my neighbor had a consignment store!! Oh boy:)

  5. I’m so sorry about your loss. I’m thinking of you and your family. I agree completely about trying to live in the present moment–sadly it’s something I’m not great at, but I continue to try to be better!

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your loss – I will keep you in my prayers.

    I am trying to stay focused on the moment as well, and not rush the season. Summer is not my favorite but it has its blessings and I want to savor them as well. 🙂

    Take care.

  7. I have a little grandson Tyler who’s up in heaven with your Tyler.

    Reading your post today gives me a sense of camaraderie with you, Jennifer. We share this grief.

    And oh yes to blueberries. Pedicures. And not even thinking of autumn.

    1. Heaven is going to be wonderful…such a grand reunion and the chance to meet the loved ones of friends dear here!! Thanks for faithfully stopping by for a visit:)

  8. I am not familiar with Tyler’s story but I am so sorry you lost him at such a young age. Glad you have the assurance of your heavenly reunion to look forward to.
    Worried about the big change coming to your home. The sad and nervous parts concern me. Hope this is a happy change. I guess all change can be nerve-wracking.
    Yum, blueberries. We are up to our eyes in peaches. Wish we could work out a trade!!

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