It has been months (since February to be exact) since I did an official look back over the month. Quite honestly, all of the months have run together…and they have not exactly been packed with events to remember. A whole lot of days on repeat! Actually, in that February post, I said it had been a month of “ordinary” days. I really had no idea just how ordinary the days were soon to become!!:) While still rather “ordinary,” this month has been a tad bit fuller – even reminiscent of normal. Well, sorta. Here is a Little Letters look at July and the last couple of months.
Dear planner – thank you for taking up space on my desk. That is pretty much all you have done for weeks. Or months. I have never really been a planner gal (and hats off to all you girls who spend time each month not only filing in your planner but decorating it…and making it all cute.) Mine is totally utilitarian!) I never really meant to abandon you altogether. But it happened. Page after empty page. I hope that is not a reflection of my life. I blame it all on quarantines and shut-downs!
Dear Summer Heat and Humidity – thanks for doing you so well! Almost every day this month has been 90 degrees or more. I don’t even want to think about the humidity. But I’m not complaining. Summer is fun!! The grass might be crispy brown and the flowers are wilting (we all are wilting) but there is no snow. Not even a thought of snow. And that is my happy place!! So keep doing you!
Dear Air Conditioning – Please keep doing you, too. You keep this house so comfortable…sometimes extra cool and I have to wear a cardigan. Its a conundrum but I’m totally okay with it!
Dear Neighbors with Fireworks – thanks for all the fun on the Fourth. I really had no idea what to expect but so many of you (many I don’t even really know) outdid yourselves. Big fireworks, loud fireworks, pretty fireworks….and lots of them! We walked the neighborhood and enjoyed so many. It was a fun evening!
Dear Pastor – thanks for your faithfulness. Although we have been able to meet back at church again this month, there are so many restrictions and guidelines (and nonsense)…and I know it is challenging. I so appreciate your preaching to such small numbers as if the room were filled beyond capacity. Thanks for your patience as well as your care/concern for every member and each unique situation. There are so many. And thanks for the outdoor service last week – what a great idea and tremendous blessing! We were so encouraged!
Dear Church family (that I haven’t seen in so long) – it was so good to see many of you at the outdoor service last weekend. I so look forward to the day when we can all gather comfortably in the church together again!
Dear Workout Videos – I am giving you a try. I’m not promising anything. This could end as quickly as it began…but, then again, it could the beginning of something lasting. Even enjoyable. Well, that is probably a stretch.
Dear News – you are not my friend. Although we have never really been “close,” I officially cut you off this month.
Dear Norwex – I rediscovered you this month. And where have you been and why did it take so long for me to find you again? I went to a party years ago, bought a few things but then never really used them. But since that party a week ago, I have been cleaning like a fiend. With just water. Getting rid of so many chemicals and worthless (expensive) cleaning products. I am a believer. Please don’t let me down two months from now. Just sayin.
Dear Electric Milk Frother – you make my day. My morning, really. Every single day. I actually make better lattes than Starbucks. Not kidding!
Dear Heritage Village Friends – I miss you. And I’m positive that not one of you will ever read this blog but I just want to say how much I miss seeing you every week. Will the doors ever reopen for volunteers? Hugest sigh.
Dear Puppies -that would be our grand puppies. You have been so much company these past months. Thank you for loving unconditionally. Please learn to clean up all that drool on my floor and slobber on the storm door. You would be just about perfect if you did that!
Dear Scattered Thunderstorms – you definitely have been scattered. And random. But oh so deafening when you do make an appearance. The above-mentioned puppies are not big fans but I rather love an afternoon storm. No idea why…but I do:)
There actually seems to be a storm brewing now. (clappping!) A good time to close these letters! It has been a unique July. A unique series of months. And, if I am honest, I think August promises more of the same! Oh my. Look for the small blessings. The ordinary things. They are in every day – and are some of God’s sweetest gifts!!
Loved your sense of humor and your mindset of choosing to look at the bright side in all situations!
I enjoyed my visit here!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Karen – so glad you stopped by. And thanks for taking the time to comment…it is always so encouraging to me!
I LOVE this sweet letters post!
Aw, thanks, Linda! And I love it when you stop by:)
I agree with Linda, I LOVE this sweet letters post! Thank you for bringing cheer to my evening!
I’m so glad, Bettie! Thanks for being so kind…have a blessed week!
Great post. And, I learned a lot about you!!!! We are neighbors at Mary’s today.
Yeah for being neighbors!!:)
jen you are like me in the winter i love the snow and the cold but i dont like to be cold lol
Love the snow?!?! Oh my.
I am in hopes that we have a storm brewing this evening, too. Looks promising. I am clapping, too!
Haven’t done a little letters post in a long time. Glad to be reminded of them. Would like to write one again soon. There are so many reasons for gratitude and celebration but I am truly growing weary of this virus. Our church has been open for a month or more but our numbers keep rising, positive cases on the increase, hospitalizations, too. We just haven’t returned to church. Maybe this month.
Take your time getting back to church and other things. There can be pressure (and even judging..sigh) but go as you are comfortable. That said, I hope you will be able to return to church soon:)
Did you get a good storm??:)