Happy Monday Morning! And hello to a new month:) I hope you had a good weekend. Here is the current “state of affairs” at my house.
Outside my window. It is sunny with a blue and very clear sky. There are several days of rain forecasted for the week ahead but right now the skies are beautiful! The temperatures are supposed to be steady and pleasant all week. Woohoo! Perhaps the weather forecast should not so impact my mood….but it does:)
Around the house. All is quiet. For now. The granddogs are coming over this afternoon…so that could change. Actually, they are sweet but, for some reason, the house seems to get in disarray while they are here. Not exactly sure how that happens but it is the reality. I’m also noticing plenty of dusting to be done – add that to my to-do list for the week – and pollen season has definitely begun. I am not really bothered by it but the thick coating of yellow on everything can get annoying. Not that I would ever complain about spring!!
Also on the to-do list. I need to get Jordan’s birthday gift ordered and on its way. It has been so frustrating realizing how many websites that offer “free shipping” do not include Alaska. The shipping is often at the international rate or the two-day air rate. Otherwise known as expensive!! I would so rather spend the extra twenty (or twenty-five!) dollars on “more gift” than on shipping. Sigh. I also need to make plans/reservations for Easter lunch. Could be a bit of a challenge this year – but more about that later. Ah, and I think it is about time for some bunnies to make their way into the decor:)
On the menu this week. Still exploring new keto recipes but I haven’t made a meal plan for the week yet. Should have done that yesterday -but did not. I had the best (best!) salmon dish this past weekend while we were out for the day. It was served over a pesto cream sauce and was amazing. Sure wish that was “on the menu” again but that restaurant is not exactly local. Oh, but it was good!
On my mind as the week begins. The news from Ukraine. The horror of it all. And then last night, at church, we saw a video update from a missionary to Ukraine who is here in the states by working with several pastors and groups who are providing humanitarian aid. What an undertaking! But the firsthand reports and stories from those doing so much were both humbling and encouraging.
A verse for the week. Lamentations 3:22-23 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
Here’s to a blessed week ahead. I hope you will be refreshed by His new mercies each morning! Please stop by again on Wednesday – it is already time for a new “Currently” post. Some of this months’ prompts are: planning, getting and going!
What a sweet photo! Such beautiful colors! I always think fall is my favorite season, and then spring rolls around, and I realize how much I love it as well. Funny about the granddogs…same thing at my house. I have 2 doggies of my own, but it’s when my grandpup comes over that the rowdiness kicks in. Mostly I think that’s because my older dog doesn’t want to play (she’s 13). So when the 4-year old grandpup comes over, my 6-year old has a playmate, and they go crazy.
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Patti – glad you stopped by today! So much puppy energy!!:) What kind of doggies do you have??
I also am struck by the beautiful photo. wow! Have a great week.
Thank you – and glad you stopped by. I get all my photos from Unsplash. They have beautiful photos!