Good Monday Morning 6.20.22

Happy Monday…and hooray for a fresh start.  Last week was a bit of a challenging one and a “fresh start” sounds especially nice this morning!  We did have a great time in Lancaster (for those couple of days we were away – the photo above was our view…ahhh!) but I ended up not feeling well the evening we returned home.  Too much food?  Out-of-state water?  Whatever it was…my stomach protested.  I feel fine now, however, the rest of the week and this past weekend, unfortunately, continued to have one challenge after another.

My heart is actually still quite heavy as I head into this new week.  When that happens, I find it helpful to “be still.”  I enjoy (even more than normal) being alone.  And rehearsing God’s promises is always comforting.  In so doing, I came across some thoughts I had written several years ago.  I’m glad I “recorded” them here on the blog….and so I am sharing them (somewhat revised) again.

“Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.”  Joshua 1:3

This is a powerful promise for Joshua….and, apparently, even Joshua needed reminding of God’s mighty promises.  God told Joshua that he was going to be victorious.  The promised land was going to be his.  What God did NOT promise was that it would all be easy.  That taking the land would not require hard work or steep challenges.  In fact, Joshua was reminded repeatedly to “be of good courage.”  God knew the path to victory would be hard – but He promised Joshua the victory and He promised to be with Him in the process.

And God knows what lies ahead in each new week for me.  He knows my future.  He already knows there will be hard days, heartaches, and plenty of weary days.  But He has promised to walk with me through each of those days.  He strengthens, comforts, and encourages me.  His promises allow me to “be of good courage.”  And His promises are true for each one of us who are His children.

I hope you will be encouraged as this new week begins.  Whatever the week may hold, we have the God who is the keeper of all promises to lean upon.

2 thoughts on “Good Monday Morning 6.20.22

  1. What a beautiful view you had in Pennsylvania! I will look forward to hearing about that trip someday. I love the verse and the whole book of Joshua for that very same reason…what sweet reminders for us all. I go through times with a heavy heart and find myself doing the same as you- staying home a lot, spending time alone and clinging to God and His word. I’m glad you share things like this with us and I will pray for you as you face this week, my friend. What a privilege we have in being able to do that!

  2. Great reminders, Jennifer! It’s easy for me to get bogged down in problems; sometimes I know that I am too slow to take solace in God’s promises. I’m glad that you had a great time away. The picture is beautiful. I love the countryside and pictures like the one you posted are comforting to me somehow.

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