I Do But I Do Not

Happy Monday!!  And a glorious day it promises to be.  Goodness, we spent much of last week like Snoopy there on the side bar (yes, lately I have a bit of soft spot for Snooopy.  Please indulge me) but this week’s forecast is a return of spring.  I am ready for it!!  My son was in Boston over the weekend and he said winter was alive and well there.  I forget that is true for many places throughout the country.  Hard to believe and, yes, my heart goes out to you:)  I am so ready to open the house, to enjoy my coffee on the patio and to drench my soul in some sunshine!!

Anyhoo, enough about the weather.  I just get excited 0n Mondays:)  If you have read even three of my posts, you probably know that already.  There are probably several things you have learned about me if you show up somewhat/sorta/kind of regularly here at the blog.  But, just for fun I thought I would share a little bit more.  Just some random things I do and some random things I do not know.  And then maybe you will share one random, just for fun fact about yourself in the comments.  I hope so.  Let me go first…..

I DO – enjoy blogging.  I love the writing.  The creating sentences and paragraphs.  Putting my thoughts into words.  I really enjoy having a topic and then expounding on it, although I don’t do those type of posts often anymore.  It is like creative writing for adults:)  I also very much enjoy the community and connections made through blogging.  Writing and community.  It is what I really enjoy about blogging; however

I DO NOT – have or use any type of social media.  I know there are a few that consider blogging a form of social media but I think there is a difference.  I might even argue a big difference but, either way, I think you know what I mean.  No social media platforms for me.  I know that means my blog will never be as “big” as it could be but I am completely okay with that.  That may have once influenced why I blog but it no longer does.

I DO – read my Bible every day.  It is as natural as brushing my teeth and/or other daily routines; however,

I DO NOT – enjoying reading.  Non-fiction or even fun fiction.  Actually I have never been an “avid reader.”  Even in school, I would much rather write than read.  I read all the great book reviews as I go through blogs and often think one of two things.  I’m a terrible blogger (all the “good” bloggers love to read!) or  I think I’m just not picking the right books.  Who knows?  Lately, I have been reading some cozy mysteries each night before bed.  Just trying to develop the habit.  Not sure if it is working but it does put me to sleep each night!

I DO – enjoy Bunco night with my friends.  I’m not super competitive but this is an easy and fun game.  Much like, Farkle.  Have you ever heard of Farkle??  Goofy name.  I look forward to Bunco night each month.  Good food.  Fun friends.  Lots of laughs but I’m glad it is only once a month, because

I DO NOT – like to stay up late.  Late, as in past ten o’clock.  In my perfect world, I am in bed at ten.  I read a bit of the aforementioned cozy mystery book and turn out the light by 10:25.  I’m out by 10:30.  (Sleep is not something I struggle with…..)

I DO – enjoy a nice chat over a cup of coffee – or over breakfast.  Breakfast out is my favorite.  Well, breakfast is my favorite.  During a chat, I much prefer to listen than to talk but, of course, I can talk plenty when you get me started.  However,

I DO NOT – like politics.  I do not like to read, hear or (especially) talk about politics.  For obvious reasons, I don’t have much use for the news of late.

I DO – so wish I could live abroad one day.  Even if just for a year. However,

I DO NOT – think that will ever happen.  Hugest sigh ever.

And….just to be totally random.

I DO NOT – enjoy flying.  I want to travel but the whole flying/airport/TSA experience takes all the fun out of travel.

I DO NOT – like winter.  Duh.

I DO NOT – have a lot of patience for bad grammar.  Is it my pet peeve?  I’m not sure it falls into that category but bad grammar does affect me like fingernails on a chalkboard.


I DO – have way too earrings (and far too few shoes).  I really need to go shoe shopping.

I DO – love dark chocolate, bread & butter pickles, sun-dried tomatoes, a good grilled cheese sandwich and oatmeal (but not necessarily in that order).

I DO – enjoy British TV.  And that’s about it.  I could easily live without a tv but it fills the corner of our basement nicely.

I DO – love (as in LOVE) organizing.  Organizing anything.  I think it might be my passion (ha!)  I find something to organize when I am stressed.

I think that is enough randomness for anyone.  I do have a birthday later this month and thought it was a great time to get (even) better acquainted.  Ha.  Now, it is your turn.  I hope you will leave a comment.  Either way, have a great Monday…and a great week ahead!!

20 thoughts on “I Do But I Do Not

  1. Fun read! You know that I wish I was like you and wasn´t interested in politics but I, unfortunately (especially in these times!) am. I am with you on social media. Blogging is all that I do and that is enough. I am surprised that you don´t care for reading because you´re a good writer. I feel like good reading generally begets good writing. I love to fly but have rarely had terrible experiences so that is perhaps why it doesn´t seem onerous to me! Have a great Monday!

    1. I generally think good reading and good writing go hand in hand….hence, my uncertainty with my writing. And hooray for traveling with no horrible experiences!! Hope you are doing well, Maria!

  2. Hi Jennifer. I enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you a little better. I do not like politics or the news either. I have heard of both Farkle and Bunco but have never played either. I do love to read, but only a book I really like. If I start one and can’t get into it, usually I’m done it with and move on to something else.

  3. I DO enjoy blogging…I enjoy the process of creating a post and finding pictures that support my post. But what I REALLY enjoy most about blogging is establishing relationships with those who leave comments. I know it’s an individual thing as to whether or not we respond to comments that others leave on our posts, but for me, it is a must! When someone takes time out of their day to stop by and read at my blog I feel the least I can do is respond…it creates a good bond between me and the readers.

    1. Dianna, I so enjoy the comments as well. The only way to really enjoy the connections is two-way commenting!:)

  4. This was a fun idea for a post! I enjoyed reading some new things about you; I think I must have missed that you’re not a reader. Good for you for trying to read more this year, though! I would say to most people who tell me they don’t like to read is that they’re picking the wrong books. I don’t know if it’s “trendy” to read only fiction books these days, but that is my happy place and will always be my favorite type of book to read. I am glad to be a reader, and that I had it modeled to me as a young girl. My mom was always an avid reader, and we would often pass books back and forth; we still do that today, honestly! I’m so proud of you for the cozy mystery reading!

    I do love to write as well, and I do not love it when there’s a lot of bad grammar. I do love to do things and to be outdoors, but I DO NOT love to exercise. I detest it! Ugh. I need to love it, though. Thanks for sharing with us today, my friend!

    1. You know, Jennifer, I think modeling reading may play a large part in my reading habits now. My dad read the newspaper (if that counts) but I do not think I ever saw my mom reading for leisure. Hmmm. Growing up, reading was an assignment for school. And not my favorite assignment:(

  5. Hello, my friend! How fun! I enjoyed getting to know you better! I am a reader—reading is my exercise, I like to say! I would be able to run a marathon if reading were running. Unfortunately, I do not like running, walking, or any type of movement considered exercise. I also love a good grilled cheese sandwich. My daughter lived in Denmark for two years and loved every minute of it. I am like you. I would love to live in a country across the ocean in a cottage on a rocky shore. Maybe someday! Have a cozy evening!

    1. Oh, to live in Denmark for two years. Wouldn’t that be amazing?? And give me a cottage – just about anywhere – and I think I would be living a dream!!:)

  6. We have so much in common! Bad spelling and grammar irritates me. Why do people either ignore the need for an apostrophe where it is needed, yet add one when it isn’t? Why don’t website designers proof read before pressing ‘post’?
    I love the signs of spring that are appearing over here and it really lifts my mood to open up the windows and feel the sunshine.
    I’m not a ‘night owl’ either, I’m definitely an ‘early bird’!

  7. Love learning new things about people! I really enjoy your blog.
    I am such a boring person these days! I love Jesus…he’s the reason for my everything… I live for my family…I love to bake…cooking is okay but baking presents the most fun for me. I love our furrbabies, Libby and Buddy…I use to read, a lot but my eyes aren’t what they used to be…I go to bed early and get up early…I love coffee…and cream cheese and buttermilk. I’m on several other social platforms but rarely, anymore, post on them. Blogging is enough for me. It will someday give my children and grands a place to see and read about their Mom and Gamma’s happenings through the years, long after I am gone.
    This was fun!
    Happy week dear Lady!

    1. Donna, too funny that you said you were a boring person these days! Me too:) But life is good and we are blessed, are we not??

  8. Hi Jennifer! Thanks for sharing all of those fun facts! I’m with you on the politics, cold weather, and the flying. If I could go anywhere, it would be to England to walk in an English village and live in a cozy, English cottage. However, I would have to fly and my fear of being shut up inside a plane for 9 hours is bigger than my desire for the English countryside. Bummer.

    1. Oh to live in a cozy, English cottage…..I can only imagine how sweet that would be!! So glad you stopped by, Debbie. I can’t seem to leave comments on your blog anymore but am certainly glad when you visit here!!

  9. We have been living like Snoopy a lot lately too! In fact today makes day 3- in a row!- of no rain and that’s all anyone can talk about (though it is supposed to rain by bedtime and continue into the weekend). I love traveling but I HATE flying and dealing with TSA/airports/airlines. I’m flying out on Friday and am already dreading it.

    1. Joanne – TAS is the worst!! I hope all goes smooth as butter for you on Friday. I start dreading it days in advance and (usually) it is never as bad as I imagined!!:)

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