I Miss You, Buddy

One of my real favorites…this picture of Tyler with his sister, Erica, taken at her rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow marks Tyler’s third Heaven birthday. Three years it has been since he left us…and waits for us in Heaven!

Almost more than my brain can grasp really. That means three years…

Three years since I enjoyed his laugh or heard his voice.
Three years since I stroked his forehead, kissed his cheek or rubbed his swollen feet.
Three years since we sat and enjoyed The Food Network…completely at peace just being together.

But I am sure of Heaven and the promise of being with my boy again…together in the presence of Jesus. And I am confident that Christ will provide exactly what we all need tomorrow – through the tears and with the smiles – He will be with us…..and that is the only way I can face tomorrow.

12 thoughts on “I Miss You, Buddy

  1. Wanted to drop by and say thanks for the sweet comment you left on Teachable Hearts, on my guest post. Drop by and see my blog anytime.

  2. My thoughts and prayers will certainly be with you tomorrow!!! Anniversaries are so hard. What an awesome picture of Tyler with his sister. I know you cherish that picture of them together. Knowing that he is in heaven with Jesus makes it somewhat easier, but we so miss the earthy "things", like you stated in your blog. Tyler will be smiling down on you from heaven tomorrow. I know that many of your friends and family will have you in their hearts tomorrow. Take care. Love & blessings from NC!

  3. Praying for your entire family! I can not imagine your heartache but as a mother, I know it must be almost beyond bearing if not for Jesus!
    Peace and Blessings!

  4. I cannot imagine how you heart must ache after losing your sweet boy. I know that Christ has to be the one that carries you. My prayers and thoughts are with you.I cannot even begin to imagine those that face these things without hope, hope of what is to come.

    Now you asked where you could use that. How about a bathroom. My daughter used a similar color in one of her bathrooms. She found a set of lined curtains on sale at Dillards that had the perfect green floral print, and make a wonderful match. Her cabinet is a deep sort of ebony. She has a antiqued bronze sink and light fixture, and it looks great. If you were close by I would give you a gallon or two. We had so much left over from painting this because it went on so well. Let me know if you decide to use it. Love and prayers. Jackie

  5. You know, so many people try to put a time limit on grief. After that first year is up, you should be done, right? And they don't get it… in some ways, each successive year is harder. Oh, not so raw.. the edges might not be so sharp. But it's deeper.. the realization of time passing, of how they'd look, of how long it's been. And the people who just no longer talk about your boy at all. I love that picture of him; he just looks like the kind of boy I'd want around MY boy, full of fun and joy and niceness. I wish that I could introduce them.. in the here and now. But I know that someday, we WILL all meet, and it will be in a much better place. And OUR Tyler, who will have been gone 1 year on Aug. 7… our buddy will be there, too.
    Holding you close and lifting you up.. praying for God's arms to be around you and for there to be definite, undeniable "Tyler signs" tomorrow, just for you! hugs…

  6. Oh friend, I am crying right now as I read this and I never even met Tyler. I have no deep words of wisdom. But, thank you for sharing yours and your sons life with us. Someday I will met him in heaven (and you too) and we can rejoice together!

  7. Hi Jennifer,
    What a nice looking young man your Tyler is….that was a sweet pic of he and his sister.
    Thanks for coming by today…I will tell you what a "chocolate Elvis" is – it is a smoothie from
    Planet smoothie. It has banana, chocolate, peanut butter and frozen
    yogurt and milk and ice. Almost like a milkshake but way less fat!! and it truly is delicious and a real treat. mentioned it one
    of my blogs last week and gave the recipe, in fact, I think it was
    Thanksful Thursday last week I believe. so check it out so you can make one!!
    That would be fun to see more wedding pics, how boring can that be, I think most ladies love wedding pictures especially of the bride and groom and flowers and wedding party, the cake etc.
    You go girl, if someone gets bored they don't have to look!! ha
    Well, I will sure be praying for you cause I am sure tomorrow will be an emotional day, how could it not!! He is your baby!!
    It is so good to know that this is
    only temporary and when you see him again he is gonna be so healthy and strong, and I know you look forward to that!!
    Bless you hon,

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you, too. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day and leaving a comment. I've enjoyed Getting to Know You!

  9. Hi Jennifer. Tyler smile is just precious – made me smile just looking at the picture. I'm with you – the promise of eternity with our children is a huge blessing! Just imagine, never having to say goodbye again… forever and ever and ever! I'm so looking forward to being with all of my children for that long. 🙂 (and my hubby and my momma and daddy, etc)

    My heart is tender towards you friend.

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