The book of Leviticus. How many times have you read through it? (Just curious.) Over the last several weeks, I have been reading this Old Testament book during my morning Bible time. It has not been without its challenges. If I am honest, more than a few mornings, I have considered not finishing it and choosing another book. I can easily convince myself – with very holy reasoning, of course – that the chapter upon chapter of laws and instruction were written for the children of Israel and do not really apply to me. Sigh. Not just the many, many guidelines to be remembered, but all the festivals to observe and sacrifices to be made! So many sacrifices. God was very specific. And He set expectations very high for His people.
God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is holy and, as such, as always expected His children to be holy. God has always had a standard of conduct for every aspect of our daily lives. He desires us to be distinct. The practices may have changed but the principle has not. My life – and all of its choices – should reflect my Savior’s holiness.
I have been convicted during my mornings in Leviticus. Not simply about my attitude – God’s word (all of it) is profitable, relevant, needful and to be read – but also about His holiness. God takes holiness seriously and so should I. I want to be consistently growing in holiness. That means putting off the flesh and putting on the spirit. That means viewing sin – and being offended by sin – just as Christ does. It requires personal separation.
I mentioned on my Instagram this morning, that it can become easy to let our guard down as the days and weeks of quarantine drag on. We can be lulled into believing that “staying in the fight” against our flesh and against our enemy doesn’t really matter. Especially if we never even leave the house. But that is a dangerous and slippery slope. Actually, it is a lie. I never want to settle for a casual relationship with the Lord. An intimate and personal one, yes, but not casual. My heavenly father is holy God. And how I live, what I do, and the choices I make during these long weeks at home do make a difference!
What are you doing to draw even closer to the Lord these days? To deepen your relationship with the savior? And to resist the devil’s trap of complacency? I would love to hear from you.
A great reminder of the greatness of our Lord, the seriousness with which He draws us closer and closer to Him. He truly wants us near to Him. He wants us to spend time with Him often and seriously. I have been listening to a couple of pastors online, including my own. I read the Word although not as regularly as He desires for me. The more we are at home, the more I become quieter and my spirit desires Him in those quiet times. I am being led when I allow Him to hold me closely. Thank you for a good word this morning.
Linda – I am so glad you stopped by this morning…and thank you for your encouraging comment! I too have had the chance to listen to other pastors and services, in addition to my own, which has been a real blessing!! Praying you have a blessed week ahead!!