Another picture warning (I’m tellin’ ya, I’m not good at this at all!), but I really wanted to include some photos with this post and have tried and tried to edit them so they are even a bit better but to no avail. If anyone can help me with the crazy glowing “pet eyes” I would love any suggestions. But let me get on with my Thankful Thursday post….
I was able to have my nephews at the house all day yesterday. They are out of school now and their dad had to go out of town for the day yesterday and brought the boys this way and they spent the day with us. I’ve mentioned before that they move about alot (and, yes, they are moving AGAIN!) and I just don’t see any of them as much as I would like and certainly not for long stretches of time – so, yesterday was a treat for me.
I think they had a good time, too. And I would love to think that is because I am a totally awesome aunt – but…no, they were IN LOVE with Emily’s dog, Bailey. And Bailey was lovin’ them, to be sure. Bailey is nothing but a huge marshmallow…cupcake…sweetie (or any number of other endearing names we can think to call her) and just loved the constant attention lavished on her yesterday.
What is it about a boy and a dog?? They played football together, wrestled, snuggled together while watching a DVD and, even shared some time reading books! Which leads me to the pictures – the boys look cute and Bailey looks cute – but scary with her glowing eyes! There has to be a way to fix that.
Red eye corrector does not help. I tried “pet eye corrector” on Picnik, and this was the result…
Huge black eyes – and even a green glow?!?! What to do. What to do. Let me know if you have suggestions but remember you have to keep it simple:)
Awe! LOVE the pictures Jen! I honestly probably would not have even noticed the dog's eyes in the last "bad" picture had you not mentioned them. I just don't really pay attention to those things. But I will say that I laughed right outloud when I saw Bailey's green glow eyes, hee-hee 🙂 Can't WAIT to see what Em has to say about that! Hey, at least you tried to correct the eyes. That was really nice of you. I would not have taken the time to do that and I think it's sweet that you wanted Miss Bailey-roo to look cute 🙂
The boys look so grown up in those 2 pictures! I mean, I just saw them recently but they still look much older in the pictures. Tell them they need to smile though:-) Definitely makes anybody look cuter! 🙂
Oh yeah, I picked up green peppers and salad today for you! Can't wait to see you Monday evening! So nice that you are making dad some meals 🙂 I did that for Bob and he loved it when I was gone!
Love ya and see you soon!
haha If you ever figure out how to fix "red dog eye" let me know too. Melody sent out her Christmas photo card this year with one of her dogs with a GLOWING white eye. Just one eye! It was hilarious. No matter what we tried, there it was…I have a feeling it's in the camera used. Anyway, nice post. Glad you got to enjoy the boys. Oh, those lazy days of summer for kids. Just don't get much better. Enjoy your day. HUGS, Debbie
I feel your pain about photos. My daughter knows all the tricks, but I am clueless! I'll be joining you again tomorrow for "Friends"!
Hi Jenn,
What cute kids!! Bet you had a good time with them. Good you had Bailey, looks like she kept them occupied.
The dog eye problem, has perplexed us as well, but we did one in the past week on one of my posts, there is a pic of Rosie, and we used photoshops spot healing brush,
and it did an fairly good job, but could still look better but definitely looks better than those demon eyes!! lol
glad you had such a fun time with your lil nephews, bet they like their auntie Jenn!!
Have a good friday. I was planning to participate this week in your meme but forgot about it, so will try for next week. Sorry!!
Blessings Galore hon,
The pictures were great! 🙂 I kind of like the dog eye thing! 🙂 LOL 🙂 It really has something to do with their anatomy of the eye. That is how cats can "see" at night. but, I didn't know the dogs worked that way too. I really never noticed! 🙂 I will have to pay attention. I am glad that you had that special time with your nephews. I think they really DO think that they have a special aunt! 🙂 Dogs just add icing on the cake! 🙂
Wish I were able to join with you all tomorrow. I will have to catch you next week. I will be at the homeschooling convention. I am excited. See you Sunday.
Ah! Vacation? I am ON VACATION right now! We just arrived in Breckenridge, CO, for the 5th or 6th time…I can't remember. We LOVE it here! Two more weeks of cool weather and relaxation!
The green glow on the dog is hilarious! I know you want it fixed, but I can't help you there…so I'll just continue to chuckle! Too cute!
I don't know photography tricks. I used to have a program for our older camera, but this new one has me mostly stumped- and it would help if I read the manual, maybe, you think?;)
But I loved the photos- so little boys and their dog- great stuff!:)
i didn't see your email address on your blog, so i'm writing here briefly – i'm coming back later tonight to read your stories here! thank you VERY much for your comment on my blog today. your words rang so true – even though i've heard that my whole life, for some reason when you said it, it had a whole new meaning to me. thank you for that. I needed to hear it more than you'll ever know : ) according to your profile you are in VA? I'm in DE. and i like southern gospel music, too : ) i'm new to your blog and look forward to reading more – sorry for the rushed message, i'll be back soon. thank you for the encouragement today.